Wither makes a fuss until...

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Wither: Who does she (Wiletina) think she is? Ihave1IQ?

Ihave1IQ, appearing out of nowhere: *hmph you meanie*

(Phone ringing)

Wither: Unbelievable

Wither: I saw that look

Wither: Where did she get that from?

Skel, answering the call in the background: Yello?

Wither: Treating her own father like that?

Skel, in the background: Hold on

Skel: Darling, it's your mother

Wither: I'M NOT HERE *goes invisible*

Skel: *... he really thinks he can just go invisible huh?*

Skel: *slowly passes him the phone becuz he knows where his hubby is*

Wither: *le trembles* Mother- hello-!

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