Read A Secret, Leave A Secret (Pt.1)

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Skel: Imma pick this one

Skel: "When I was little, I accidentally dropped a glass and it shattered, my mom scolded at me and I cried, and my dad told me not to cry cause I was too big for that..."

Skel: Oh come on, cant your dad just defend you in this situation?

Skel: "...and the worse thing was, I was having a sleepover with my friend, and she just looked at me while eating-"

Skel: Uh...

Skel: Oh well that's really embarrassing

Skel: If I was whoever this person is I would try to dig a hole and just hide in there

Skel: Never comin' out of there

Skel: *nervous chuckle*

Wither: This one calls me

Wither: "I'm afraid of what the future holds"

Wither: Honestly same

Wither: But I'm not afraid because I can see the future 😎

Wither: But actually

Wither: Most people can relate

Zombie: Imma pick the one in the middle

Zombie: "When I was younger, I wanted my parents to divorce so bad because they were always fighting"

Zombie: That's sad...

Zombie: But I don't really know anything about my parents, all I know is that I became my dad's lab rat so I can't really help

Enderman: "During a three year relationship, my ex bf cheated on me multiple times with the same girl. He claimed to be his primary school bff"

Enderman: Aw, that's so sad

Enderman: I think you should seek some support

Enderman: That's what I'd do

Enderman: I'd seek help from Hero

Stray: Meh this one

Stray: "My dad used to abuse me as a child. Ever since then, I wished for nothing but for him to leave or die."

Stray: *sighs* this is like Skel and mine, but swapped

Stray: "My family has always been abused and I really regret being his son"

Stray: When you're with your family it's supposed to be a source of comfort but when they do nothing, it's very easy to fall into a spiral of neglect and you just have very low confidence of yourself

Stray: Take my advice whoever you are

Stray: Don't care about what other others say in the context that you're not filial

Stray: If they don't help you or anything the best solution is for you to leave because you can find your own strength and confidence too

Stray: That's why I'm still here and alive-

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