Skeleton speaks Japanese (short like me)

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Wither: Hello Skel

Skel: こんにちは (Hello)

Wither: ...what?

Skel: 何?!(What?!)

Skel: 一体何が起こっているの?!(what is going on?!)

Wither: Skel I don't understand what you're saying-

Skel: 授業に行きましょう- (let's just get to class-)

Wither: What?

Skel: 行け!(GO!)


*In class*

Wither: Stray... help- I know you hate me but-

Stray: What?

Wither: Your brother is speaking an odd language-

Stray: Odd language?

Wither: Please-

Stray: Fine I'll go speak to him

Stray: Hey Skel

Skel: うーん、こんにちは、お兄ちゃん (ugh, hello there, big brother)

Stray: なぜ日本語を話しているのですか? (Why are you speaking Japanese?)

Wither: *he can speak it too?!*

Skel: わかりません...目が覚めて、理由もなく日本語を話し始めました!(I don't know... I woke up and then, I just started speaking Japanese for no dang reason!)

Stray: それは疑わしい...ええ、心配しないで、あなたが言うことは何でも翻訳します (That's suspicious... eh, don't worry, I'll translate whatever you say)

Skel: ファイン- (fine-)

Stray: Well your little "boyfriend" just woke up and then he just started speaking Japanese for no reason-

Stray: Whatever he says I'll just translate it for him

Wither: So that language was Japanese? And you speak it too?

Stray: My mom is a Japanese- no wait- let me correct it, my 'bitch' mom is a Japanese

Wither: I- ok-

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