POV: Parenting

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Wiletina: Mom

Wiletina: My phone's not working

Wiletina: Get your keys we need to get a new one

Wiletina: What is wrong with you? Why are you just standing there? This is my life and I'm being cut off! I'm missing things!

Skel: Well, Tina, since you are doing what you want with your hair

Skel: I'm doing what I want with my phone

Skel: You see, it's mine, because I paid for it, so I turned the service off

Wiletina: You are the worst!

*Wiletina storms off to her room*

Wither: A couple of days without her cellphone just might do it

Skel: Mhm

Skel: And just to be sure...

Wiletina, from upstairs: WHERE'S ALL MY STUFF?!

Skel: If you're old enough to dye your own hair then you're old enough to get your own stuff!

Wither: You got rid of all her things?

Skel: I did

Wither: Everything? Her bed, her dresser?

Skel: All of its in the garage

Wither: How did you-

Skel: You know how when a child is stuck under a car, a mother's love can give him superhuman strength?

Skel: Turns out, it's also kicks in when a mother's really pissed

Wither: Sorry, Skelly, I just can't my head around this, the dresser's 200 pounds...

Skel: Rage, Wither. It makes me strong

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