Bottoms calls the tops by their full name

124 3 7

Request by my big bro @Jellyiscool854

Oh boi

This is gonna be fun

Wither: And I went, 'OH FUCK NAH-'

Pigman: Lmao what-

Skeleton: Wither Malodor.

Wither: 😳

Pigman: Oh no-

Wither: *what did I do?*

Wither: *is he gonna break up with me*

Wither: *what's going on*

Skeleton: You haven't wash the dishes

Wither: I- that's it?

*le frying pan appears*


Wither: YES SIR-

Pigman: *don't laugh don't laugh*

Zombie: Reuben Porkchop~

Pigman: 🫣 *HUH*

Pigman: *what did I do*

Zombie: Where's the ramen packets

Pigman: At the kitchen closet-

Zombie: Okay thanks

Pigman: well that wasn't so bad

Husk: What's up with y'all?

Pigman: Your brother just called me by my full name...

Husk: ...what's so bad about it? 

Pigman: I mean it's scary-

Husk: How is it scary? Stray called me by my full name and I just answered normally... are you okay Pigman?

Pigman: WAIT WHAT?


Stray: Husk Franklin.

Husk: ...yes?

Stray: *oh he's not scared that's surpising*

Stray: Uh do you care for some drinks?

Husk: yeah sure 

End of flashback

Husk: Is it really that scary?

Pigman: *Pigman.exe has stopped working*

Husk: Oh well-

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