Wither when Skeleton is sick

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Wither: Hm...

Wither: Tf should I do-

Skeleton: Hey Wither

Wither: Sup

Skeleton: *coughs*

Wither: What's wrong?

Skeleton: Nothing...

(Startin to feel a lil concerned)

Wither: *walks to him to touch his forehead*

Skeleton: What are you doing?

Wither: Holy shit your forehead is quite hot!

Skeleton: It is...?

Wither: You're going back to bed

Skeleton: But-

Wither: No buts, let's go

Skeleton: *huffs*

Wither: *le carries him bridal style*

Skeleton: *flustered mess*

*le check his temperature*

Wither: That's quite high... what did you do last night?

Skeleton: Some...taste test event?

Wither: Did it had... seafood?

Skeleton: I- I guess?

(Another headcannon poor Skel will fall ill if he eats seafood :<)

Wither: Gosh...

Wither: I'll inform Herobrine

Skeleton: Okay-

Wither: *comes back after informing Herobrine*

Wither: Skel? 

*no response*

Wither: * is he dead- he better not be*

Wither: Skel...?

Skel: What? I'm just tired

Wither: *huffs* I thought something happened to you...

Skeleton: Chillax...like I would

Wither: ...wait

Skeleton: ...your hacks in existence-

Wither: Oh right

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