Last part of I'll be fine...

72 2 3

"Someone?! Who?!" Crainer exclaimed. "...Lady Yumaro. She's a demon doctor, that has revived humans before. I don't actually know if it works on mobs, but if it doesn't Jelly has a plan B." Player explains. "...what? I don't have a person in mind-" Jelly replied. Player raised his (non existent) eyebrow and then Jelly widened his eyes like he just thought of something. "Never mind- I know what you mean..." Jelly answered. "Good. Shall we start?" Crainer asked. All of them agreed.

"こんにちは、ユマロ。2日前にお伺いしましたが、ご訪問をお詫び申し上げます。しかし、私たちはあなたの助けが必要です。暴徒を復活させることは可能ですか?" Jelly asked. The heck?! Jelly can speak Japanese?! Wither thought. Unfortunately, Yumaro shook her head in dismay, saying something like, "sorry, I can't." All of them sighed until Jelly said, "Hey, we still have plan B!" Wither wondered who this 'mysterious' person is.


"So... you're saying, you want ME, a retired doctor, to revive him?" Sanna shrieked.

(Headcannon time Sanna is a retired doctor haha)

"You've did revived people before, I believe you can!" Jelly replied. "Ugh, fine. Just this once, who is it?" Sanna answered. "Also I need the blood from the person that killed him or her." Sanna added.

Skip er doodle I am too lazy (man it's hard to type on an iPad)

Skel is alive

That's it

Laziness just went into me

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