Mobs roasting each other

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Skuller (Skel's toxic ex): Hey Skeleton, how 'bout a dance with an awesome guy?

Skel: I'd love it, where is he?

Rose: Were you talking about Skeleton?

Stray: ...

Stray: ...Uh, who are you again?

Wither: It's not his fault, okay? Pigman just doesn't like birthdays! He never remembers them, just like his mom!

Entity: Let me ask you a question, why do you still become friends with Skeleton even though he's a demon? Is it because he's cool? Or maybe I can help by taking your friend away?

Zombie: ...Uh that's three questions-

Pigman: Hurry Slime! Creeper and Enderman are arguing! Your life depends on us!

Slime, as a cat: Which life? I got nine~


Rose: None of you deserve to see the rest of my documentary!

Husk: Oh, what a shame-

Wither: But mom! I'm exceptional too!

Wendy: The only exceptional thing about you, my dear, is your mother.

Skel: I can offer your seat to someone if you don't want it

Vegan Teacher: How dare you! You're fired!

Skel: I don't belong to you I belong to the Demon Slayer Corps

Vegan Teacher: We'll see about that...I'll call the president of your so called Corps.

Vegan Teacher: *Calls Player*

Player: This is Player! F**k off and never call me again, vegan teachers!

Vegan Teacher: UGH!!

Skel: I assume from your expression that I'm not fired.

*Pigman becoming ice*

Stray: Hey Ice King, what's with all the ice? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?

Pigman after beating up bullies: Okay, show's over, sorry no encore tonight!

Creeper: Dude! What took you so long? Just wait till I tell everyon-

Enderman: *Drops Creeper*

Creeper: AGH-!

Enderman: Oops~

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