Skel becomes deaf?

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Stray: Oh, Skel, can we get some help with-

Stray: Oh- what's going on here?

Wither: Huh? Oh hey Stray! Nothing really, me and Skel are just studying quietly together

Stray: You... and Skel... studying... together... quietly?

Wither: Yeah, I think he lost his hearing because of Entity's explosions

Wither: Every time I talk to him he doesn't respond to me

Stray: Uh huh.

Wither: Yeah, let me show you.

Wither: Hey Skel? Hey Skelly? Skelly?

Skel: ...

Wither: So yeah, I think it finally happened but anyway, I'm gonna go get a snack, want anything?

Stray: Nah no I'm fine I'm just gonna stay here and... keep Skel company

Wither: Thanks dude, I'll be right back!

Stray: Sure thing Wither-!

Stray: ...okay drop the act you aren't actually deaf are you

Skel: No not yet, but it's keeping Wither quiet.

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