Headcannon time

137 2 26


-Cool dude

-proud pan

-best frens with Skel

-datin Pigman

-bottle flip master 💧💦

-used to have a toxic relationship 

-was originally a human


-shy dude

-cool bi

-best frens with Zombie and Husk

-datin Wither

-may be cute and innocent but actually the scariest in the class

-he's only 4'11- that's the same height as me-

-limping most of the time since Wither makes out with him every once a week

(I feel your pain Skel ;-;)


-chill dude 


-best frens with Slime

-he has a total of 13 ex girlfriends- can you find one suitable one already Creeper?

-average height in class

-has a dog called Muddy

- "I'll most probably be single forever" Creeper's famous last words

*cough cough* Ghast *cough cough*


-short dude


-best frens with Creeper

-datin a magma cube 



-stays up all night playing games


-tall dude

-proud pan

-best frens with Wither

-used to be married with a enderman, but they divorced because she was cheating on him

-tall- he's 6'6- about the height of my brother-

-scared of water

-wants a boyfriend as his new year resolution-

*cough cough* Blaze *cough cough*


-hungry dude

-proud pan

-best frens with Wither

-datin Zombie

-pizza for life 🍕 

-loves lava

-likes pranking Husk


-emo dude


-overprotective of his lil bro Skel

-datin Husk (I wonder how Husk deals with Stray frowning all the time)

-cold blooded so he only eats cold stuff

-eats ice cream for lunch-

-only smiles for his brother 


-confident dude


-best frens with Skel

-datin Stray (I feel like he will regret dating him one day)

-eats his limbs since he can regenerate it in a matter of seconds 

-sleeps on the ground 

-gets pranked by Pigman all the time


-hack dude

-chill bi

-best frens with Pigman and Enderman 

-datin Skel

-obsessed with Skel

-makes out with him once a week

-wants 5 kids (oh lord I hope Skel will be fine-)


-scary dude


-overprotective of his students 

-married to Sadako

-wants 10 kids (bruh that's way worse than Wither-)

-seeks revenge on Entity and Null

-a proud daddy

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