Savage Brothers

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Stray: Hey

Skel: Wassup my lovely brother

Stray: Ew please don't call me that

Skel: I need your help

Stray: What help

Skel: Someone's getting bullied

Stray: Eh whoever he is I don't even care

Skel: Are you sure?

Skel: What if it's your boyfriend?

Stray: ...

Stray: Nope



Stray: Fine (x2) I'll help

At scene

Stray: Who's it anyway?

Skel: Some new girl

Stray: Oh she's your boyfriend's simp

Skel: What-

Stray: Forget I said anything-

Skel: Fine

Stray: Now the plan

Skeleton: Oh my god did you see the new girl

Stray: What new girl

Skel: Over there

Skel: I think her name's Rose

Stray: Is she pretty?

Skel: No

Wither: *PFFTT-*

Husk: *LMAOOO*

Skel: What a pity

Stray: Let's go see if her daddy's got money

Skel: Oh my god hey

Skel: Your names Rose right?

Stray: You can be a model if it weren't for your height...

Skel: Oh my god I see it...

Stray: Don't you tho?

Rose: Wait really...?

Skel and Stray: No you stupid hoe!

Skel: Let me guess

Stray: You care about your grades

Skel: You set the dinner table

Stray: And make minimum weights!

Skel: *gasp* shut up! Your Chanel bag is so cute!

Stray: That's fake

Skel: Ew

Stray: Her Gucci boots too

Skel: Fake designer? I guess that means you're broke right?

Stray: You walk to school while we catch private rides!

*car beep*

Skel: Omg did you get those jeans from Sears?

Rose: Um...

Skel: Aww, I think I see a tear!

Husk: Just kidding!

Husk: Don't take that to heart

Wither: If you want some advice tho

Wither: Here's a place to start!

*Wither teleports him and Husk away*

Stray: Fix your teeth

Skel: Brush your hair

Stray: You should shave

Stray: Everywhere

Skel: Why so sad?

Stray: Where are our thanks?

Skel: You're just sad

Stray: We're not fake!

Skel: Wanna go shopping?

Rose: Duh!

Stray: Aww, sorry girl but there's only room for two!

*Both giggle*

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