Wither x Skeleton's love story; Valentine's Day special

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There's no way I'm not gonna celebrate Valentine's Day before goin for my valentines date

As promised

Imma write wither and Skel's love story

Well everyone knew how they fell in love already

If you don't

Go and read blinded

Simple enough

Wither: Hey Skel...?

Skel: Yeah?

Wither: Do you happen to have an ex...?

Skel: Why the sudden question?

Wither: Some girl called Skella told me to back off as you were hers...?

Skel's mind: Oh... her...

Skel: Toxic ex, actually...she used me for money... I guess she just became addicted to me again.

Wither: ...

Wither: You sure you're okay?

Skel: Yeah...

Wither: *le kiss his cheek* I'll be here, okay?

Skel: Thanks...

The next day

*Player visits Skel and Wither to check on Skel*

Player: Hey Wither, how's Skel?

Wither: ...his 'toxic' ex is starting to target me...

Player: Oh that bitch-? I got you covered.

Player: *Lifts up a skeleton head*

Wither: What the-?! 

Skel: Player?! What the fuck?!

Player: Heard you guys talking about her when I was visiting my dad's place, so I got rid of her when I saw her, simple enough 

Skel: I told you not to kill people...

Player: What? Veteran told me to get revenge, it's what best friends are supposed to do!

Skel: You do know he's pretty dumb, why the hell do you even listen him in the first place?

Player: ... honestly I don't even know 

Wither: I'm concerned about your relationship 

Player: Are you not concerned about your relationship with Skel?

Wither: *a lil flustered*

Player: I'll leave you lovebirds alone, also remember about our upcoming activity!

Wither: Activity...?

Skel: My friends are having game night and we're gonna bring our lovers along

Skel: You don't mind right...?

Wither: I don't mind

Ok time for them to meet the parents

Wither: Mom...Dad... this is my boyfriend...

Wendy: A skeleton? Really?

Wither: Mom-

Wendy: I expect you date someone popular!

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