Nightmare (one shot)

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Inspired by @Spaghettiexe91 

 I think that his/her account...?

I may copy his/her content but I am trying my best not to 

Apologises if he/ she reads this

Let's go on to the story :)

Also this is kinda sad so you might need tissues

Don't say I didn't warn ya :)

Skeleton's POV


Everything was dark, I couldn't see a thing. "Anyone there...?" I asked. Pin drops were only heard. I walked for a while until I see something... familiar. A hand. That looked a lot like...


He can't be dead... right? I thought. Walking more, I saw more things. A creeper head, with slime all over his head.

Creeper... and Slime...

Nothing can go wrong? Right? I continued walking, and I saw an Ender pearl... and a ninja star and headband.

...Enderman and Pigman too?

More things were on the floor. A limb, and... a cloak.

A limb... Husk...

And the cloak...


It can't be... they aren't dead..

Holding my big bro's cloak, I continued walking hoping to see someone there. Then, out of the shadows, something rectangular rolled out of the darkness. To my horror...

...It was a wither skull.




I flopped on my knees and picked up the wither skull from the ground, wiping away some dirt with my thumb, and my brother's cloak. I broke and started wailing, holding the wither skull and cloak in my hands, attempting to clean it off. I sat there for several minutes.

Monster School Stuff-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang