Herobrine tries to cancel Christmas

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I get it's not even Christmas-

But I'm out of ideas and this got into my head so just deal with it 🫠

Herobrine: Alright. It's official. I'm cancelling Christmas.

Sadako: I'm gonna go ahead and put this bad boy down... *puts mug down*

Sadako: Stand up calm and collectively...

Sadako: And ask... why?

Herobrine: Because our son- god bless his little soul... decided it would be a good idea for everyone to write out Christmas letters to Santa

Herobrine: And the results

Herobrine: ARE TRAGIC

Sadako: Oh come on, hero, they're just kids!

Sadako: How bad could it really be? I mean honestly I-

Sadako: *le gasp*

Sadako: Wow, Stray's got issues.

Herobrine: Uh huh, yeah, go ahead, go and read what Creeper put down

Sadako: Look at Creeper's-

Sadako: OH- yeah- I get the picture but come on Hero, they're just kids!

Herobrine: You know what? I am putting my foot down! I've been coddling these kids for long enough, they can deal without having a Christmas

Sadako: Come on babe, I mean-

Sadako: Well, I mean, have you taken our son's Christmas list, into account?

Herobrine: Well no I didn't read our son's yet but he's a different story! So go ahead, tell me what he wants

Sadako: Well, from our son's list, it's saying he wants and I quote, 'everyone to have a happy Christmas, including daddy' with a couple extra letters after daddy but that's not the point

Sadako: Basically, our son wants everyone to have a happy Christmas.

Sadako: Don't you wanna give him that?

Herobrine: ...

Herobrine: I am NOT buying that for Creeper!

Sadako: Oh absolutely not I'll get him a bible for Christmas

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