Fun in France

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Skel: Hey honey, how's France?

Wither: As usual, it's just annoying I have to take care of Shelter now.

Skel: You mean Skelter?

Wither: Whatever.

*crying intensifies*

Skel: Wither...

Wither: Yeah?

Skel: Is that Skelter...?

Wither: Of course not!

Skel: Are you sure? Because I think I heard a baby crying.

Skel: Oh yeah... because Wiletina was watching Boss Baby 2! Yes, that's what she's doing!

Skel: ...

Skel: Wow, you really had me worried for a second there, Wither. But looks like everything's fine then

Skel: Well, I gotta go for my patrol. But don't worry, I'll talk to you soon.

Wither: Uh... sure, bye

Wither: ...

Wither: Can't believe that worked...

Skelter, pinned on the wall with tape, crying

Wiletina: Why push the blame on me, dad?

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Japan

Wileton: Do you actually think Wiletina was watching Boss Baby 2?

Skel: Doubt it.

Skel: All she does is watch anime.

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