What happens when one of the mobs die? Part 1: Zombie

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Skeleton: He wouldn't pay much attention to school because Zombie is no longer with him

Creeper: Just be sad

Slime: Never ate 

Enderman: Already moved on since he doesn't care about his classmates except Pigman and Wither

Pigman: The most saddest among the school, no longer eating and he becomes a lil skinnier and when he comes back from school he immediately goes to his room

Wither: Feel down but he comforts Skel most of the time since Zombie was Skeleton's best friend

Husk: Eats ice cream until he falls sick because he wants to die and blames himself for causing his brother's death

Stray: Probably the same as Enderman because he doesn't really care about his classmates and he only cares about Skeleton

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