POV: You try possessing Stray

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I need to upload more often

Skel talking to Wither

Stray: *stop talking to my brother you nitwit*

Entity: *i can feel anger coming from one of Herobrine's students... what a great time to possess him*

Entity: *possess him and tells him his new role and in exchange he will have to bring him hero's ded soul*

Stray: What was that? I should kill everyone and escape?

Skel: *what?*

Stray: Sorry...

Stray: The voices...

Stray: Haha I'm kidding!

Stray: It's not what they really said-

*breaks free*

Skel: *that's my nii chan*

Wither: How the heck did he break out of Entity's possession

Skel: He's just skilled and smart

Skel: Unlike you

Wither: Haha very funny

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