The Fall of Rennaya

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Zenu knew his people didn't have much longer.

He assumed the throne at 22, when his father, the previous king was killed right in front of him, by the third prince of Ceria, Royron, eight years ago.

Since then he had put the planets resources to work, gathering all the top scientists on Rennaya, as well as the blood of one billion of his people.

Synthesizing, distilling and experimenting all to create the perfect serum.

His fathers idea and legacy.

A serum to recreate the legendary Rennayan.

Mentioned only in fables and books that have been passed down, over many generations by his people.

It was all for today.

He ran through the hallways of the Hallantium.

Making his way towards an escape ship parked at the back of the palace.

There, bursting out the door.

He found his wife and child hugging each other near the spaceship, Aratris.

As he looked around below.

He saw hundred's of missiles simultaneously falling on the planet.

Space battle ships flooded the sky engaging with the Rennayan Royal Airforce.

Mutated monsters, dropping out of the sky.

It was hell.

Grabbing them tight he formed a flame barrier around the spaceship and his family.

While his wife layered the interior with sheets of ice, creating a fortified dome.

They both looked down at their son.

"You know we love you Osei... and we wish we could stay with you and watch you grow..."

Safiyah's voiced cracked.

She couldn't continue.

Zenu took over.

"However life is not always so fortunate and you must remember that-"

Explosions and tremors cut him off, yet he remained calm.

"This is not the life I wished for you my son, but you must remember your mission. Earth is a safe place... your great-grandfather, he kept it hidden with the Arflauge. Find a Human mother as identical to your own mother and give her this."

He handed him the flask.

Sure enough, it should be impossible or morally incorrect for a 7 year old to have to undertake this task.

However Zenu had no other choice.

This mission had been top secret and kept under wraps tightly with all loose threads or trails burned.

Especially since their planet had been under surveillance for the last 10 years with nothing they could do about it.

The Arflauge had been camouflaging the Solar System from all advanced scanners and compasses in the universe for the last 66 years.

Osei had been blessed with the lightning element and had excelled in his training with the first attendant and his teacher Waio.

For the last three and a half years.

There was no more time, he had to be ready.

"Your sibling, will need you to raise them and be strong... The fate of the galaxy now rests with you."

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