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They gathered plates of snacks and had some more light talks with the princess about their worlds. Then their group was chaperoned off to the suites, which they would be staying at. Guys and girls were given separate dorms and were lead off, by several maids, through the estate.

"I guess their giving us the royal treatment, eh?"

Tobi gestured at his brother, impressed with their suite. However Osei was unimpressed.

"I'm fine with just the minimum. They're doing too much."

Kayed was ecstatic, flipping over channels on a holographic TV.

"We did help them out. If they want to treat us, let them."

Tai, rolled his eyes.

"You mean Sarah helped them."

Kayed looked back over to Tai.

"She's one of us right? No 'I' in team, remember."

He looked back at the channels, finally finding an interesting show and sat back.

Tai shook his head and left, to set his stuff up in his room.

Tobi chuckled, as he and his brother followed after Tai.

"Kayed remember, we gotta head out in an hour."

Kayed, waved back at them from the couch.

"Got it!"

Tobi and Osei went down the hall to pick their rooms.

An hour later...

Gaurds came to pick them up and escorted them, to the training grounds. They flew at jet speed in a private Azurian aircraft, for 30 minutes, to a ridiculously large training grounds, outside of the city. Dozens of large outdoor arenas the size of two football fields, were positioned distantly from each otherwith wired walls enclosing it.

Akio was waiting for them at the entrance. At his sides, his son, and granddaughter stood, greeting them with smiles. Beside Kaieda, was a large darker skinned man.

He had a large nose, and a scar over his eye, adding to his fierce gaze, which made some of the Novas uncomfortable. Akio stepped forward.

"I hope you've had sometime, to relax and eat up, because you will be training here, until sundown."

He noticed some of the Novas looking dismayed, but he continued anyways.

"This is General Roku, Chief Commander of the Azurian Army and a leader of the Azurian Hashin. Our strongest elite force, which deal with planetary intelligence and operations."

Kiala raised her hand, quickly and he nodded.

"Are they the ones who saved us that day?"

He smiled and nodded once more.

"That's right, however at the time, only the ones at the forefront. All 32 Hashin, train here every day, to expand and perfect their Iko."

He turned to look at the rest of the group and setting on Tobi.

"I'm sure you've heard of this word before. Iko is the fundamental of life. Your enemies know this."

Sarah had tried finding more info about it, but was only able to give them a crude explanation. Akio continued, raising his right hand towards the training grounds.

"Here, each of us will train you in the three basics of iko. Sani iko, sila iko and roho iko... Once you have mastered these techniques, you'll become far more powerful than you are now."

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