Thanks For Being Alive

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Hoping to see Waio alive.

Osei couldn't help but be nervous.

As the shuttle approached, Osei, noticed bodies and weapons littering the surface near the three ships, that landed on the large asteroid.

A little further away a Terraforma was active.

A machine first engineered by the people of Messa, that kept air and gravity circulating around the asteroid.

The shuttle landed behind the Aratris.

"Activate combat mode and equip your weapons... Make sure to locate and report to me Waio's location."

Osei ordered.

The two androids went to work, transforming themselves into their military designed modes, installed by the Rennayan Royal Military engineers.

They grabbed their automatic laser rifles, from the compartment and equipped knives.

Osei grabbed his sword.

He wasn't prepared to lose anyone else.

The bots exited the shuttle followed by Osei rushing quietly along the Aratris.

They turned by a corner of the hull.

A Valmerian giant, 12 feet tall swung his axe down on a humanoid golem, that was just a little smaller and made of dirt and minerals from the asteroid.

Ten men clad in purple and black, metallic battle space suits, were locked in deadly combat with seven smaller golems.

Behind the golems, he saw a wounded Waio holding the broken half of his lance.

Happy to see him again, he couldn't help but call out.


Waio looked back, he saw Osei.

His face turned into instant fear.


" You mustn't be here!" He yelled out in desperation.

"The boy!"

Some of the men had noticed Osei and started making their way towards him.

Waio, took down the first two running, by levitating a few rocks and sending them hurdling towards the back of their heads.

The other dodged the attack and fired multiple shots from his rifle.

Nearly hitting, Waio as he puts up a clay wall.

He then summoned a clay spike from behind the soldier impaling him from the back.

The two others had nano laser swords out.

After returning a few blows with his lance, it was cut off once again, on the last blow.

Without hesitating he followed up by summoning a clay and mineral sword from the ground with his left and beheaded him.

Osei's helpers started firing at the rest of the soldiers as they had broken through the golems that Waio had created.

"Let me fight with you!"

Osei yelled out to Waio.

"It is not your place to fight now, young master. Hurry to somewhere safe-"

His words were cut short.

The first half of his body from the abdomen, had been sliced cleanly in half and sailed into the air, landing on the ground with a thud.

Blood gushed from the rest as it lopped forward.

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