What Are You Fighting For?

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Lita's laugh sent chills down the Nova's spines, however the rookies tried not to let it shake them.

Amir raised an iron golem behind her and Sofia launched a quick fireball, more condensed than her last.

"Create: Raksasa Besi!"

"Ignite: Broca!"

Lita used the golem's shoulders as support, to throw her torso up and kick her feet through the golems stomach.

Then she reached towards the ground to create a column to keep her steady, while throwing a round house kick which produced a slice of ice and electricity, erasing Sofia's attack, as it crashedi into a flame barrier, Sofia had erected in time.

However, it was not strong enough to protect her, as she was sent flying from the impact.

Amir was starting to get nervous, realizing the situation they were in.

Over a hundred golems, followed by hundreds of volleys rose from the ground, targeting Lita.

"Aww, all of this for me? You shouldn't have!"

She placed one palm forward, as a ball of electricity crackled to life in front of her, rotating at mach speed.

Simultaneously, roots of ice, trailed from her feet and froze each golem it touched, turning them into her puppets as they began to fight the ones out of her reach.

"Divine Shock."

The ball of electricity burned white hot and cracked open, incinerating every stone volley Amir created.

Nur and Amir dove to safety, avoiding the energy wave.

Amir ran through his options, but his body was screaming at him to run.

He looked at Nur, who was still frozen in shock, he knew he wouldn't be able to get through to her.

Although, she was his senior, he still wanted to protect her.

"It's times like this, that make a man."

He said to himself, then clad himself with stone and an iron armour, retracting his his lance.

Specially crafted and made out of versillium alloys, Amir thanked Sarah for this gift and practiced with it day and night, to become one with it.

Lita smiled, watching him charge and cut down ice golems, since she had made light work of his.

He jumped up, stepping on top of a golem and threw his lance reinforced with steel and iron, hoping to make it's mark.

Casually, Lita side stepped and caught the lance, whilst maintaining momentum, by spinning herself on one foot.

Then threw it back, with lightning speed, back at Amir.

He managed to raise a few barriers infront of him, to slow it down.

Yet, it still proceeded to tear through like butter, lodging into his stone armour and taking him dozens of meters south of his position, by flight.

Echoing through across the fortresses remains, were Lita's laughs.

She was holding her sides, unable to control herself.

Electricity emanated randomly around her as temperatures dropped and rose in their vicinity.

She looked Nur, pointing in the direction Amir flew.

"Omg, did you see that? His eyes looked so cute as he flew further and further away... Ahh that was funny. Anyways, what's with you."

The Last Prince of Rennaya - DraftUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum