Operation: Zero

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The raid, had to succeed, Tobi thought.

Strapped into the Aratris's cockpit they were on their way to Jupiter's moon.

This moon had not yet been named by the international community but Sarah decided to name it Caspion, after her favourite ghost.

The moon was dead quiet, it took them over three hours to get there.

Avoiding warp drive so scanners don't pick them up

Tobi filled the time by listening to M&M and other hip-hop songs, to hype him up.

They had gone over the plan, multiple times.

Take out the leader and the rest fall in shambles.

The 137th Prince of the Cerian Empire, Kairon, had been given the ability to wield ground abilities.

His father had enough ground wielders to absorb, after the Rennayan invasion.

Sarah had built and repaired up to seventy-five robots by then.

She left ten behind, to continue construction on Beyond's HQ.

Armed the rest with programs on how to use assault rifles and fit them into military gear she found on the black market.

"We'll be entering their Terraforma's barrier pretty soon, get ready to parachute with the squads and good luck!"

Sarah said, looking back at the brothers.

They both unbuckle their seatbelts and start heading towards hangar bay.

Dressed in armoured space suits, that were sleek, black and with a blue stripe on the right arm spelling 'BEYOND' in capitals.

Made with nano-tech, the armour was more durable than a bulletproof vests and could use the users energy to protect areas upon impact in split seconds.

It also had a retractable helmet.

Osei had his sword on his back as always, but kept a short sword at the side of his left hip.

Tobi equipped his new sword, sheathed on his right, and kept a smaller one on his back, attached horizontally to his belt buckle.

They entered the bay.

Awaiting them were sixty androids fully fitted with black and blue military gear.

Ready to jump out the bay hangar.

"Operation: Zero, commencing in T- 5 mins," Sarah yelled over the overhead speaker.

Osei, looked at his brother and put both hands on his shoulders.

"You've got this, we're coming out alive and after this you're buying me donuts."

Tobi smiled, he didn't realize how close the two of them had grown in the last two weeks.

"Of course bro, we'll stop them together."

The Aratris broke through the Terraforma's nano barrier almost like bubble, sounding off the alarms immediately.

In front of them in an organized circle, were hundreds of futuristic looking tents and one large mobile structure indicating a headquarters.

Sarah opened fire immediately, and commenced evasive maneuvers, as anti aircraft turrets fired away and missiles sailed past them.

Balls of fire plumed up with clouds of smoke, as her missiles landed, killing hundreds of soldiers in their asleep and on the ground.

The Aratris was a fully equipped royal battleship and the camp wasn't prepared.

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