The Destruction of Rennaya

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The sound of swords colliding, echoed across the field, with the random spurts and cracks from fissures popping up, as a result of tectonic plates, slowing down and crashing into one another. The planets destruction was in progress, but nothing could shake Rokus focus, as he tried to get the upper hand against Rael.

"Terra Arts, Revolving Dome!"

Earthquakes reverberate all around them, as large walls, rose up encircling them and covering the sky in a complete dome, twice the size of a baseball field. It began swirling in a circular manner, with the viscosity of of lava flowing down a volcano.

Even under the relentless tremors of earthquakes around the planet, the dome still maintained itself, with tremendous heat and pressure.

Rael looked all around him. Noticing he had blocked all of his exits with Rennaya's iko. It wouldn't be easy to escape.

"Making your own coffin old man?"

He mocked as he began to gather energy, and searched for a way out. However Roku ignored him, continuing his task and preparing his stage.

"Forbidden Art, Wrath of the Terracotta."

Rael watched as blood, trailed out of Rokus mouth with a gleaming smile.

"No, this design was meant for you."

He began backing away, as Rael glanced around, noticing thousands of Azurian soldiers, made out of magma, rising out of the walls, ceiling, and ground. Each of them roaring war cries, then charged Rael at full speed.

He cut down as many as he could, but in moments, he was completely outnumbered. Some pounding down on him and the remaining exploding on touch.

Roku continued his assault, raising his hand above his head. The walls began to pulse as if they were alive, pumping more lava out of the ground and running it through it's veins all the way to the center of the ceiling. Morphing it into a sky cannon, ready to erupt.

Blood dripped down, his nose, yet he fought on, yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Forbidden Art, Terra Liberation!"

A laser beam of lava burst out of the cannon, absolutely destroying the entire domain, yet the walls still held on, containing the blast. With the dissappearence of Rael's Iko, Roku felt satisfied, knowing there was no way he could move with the terracotta holding him down.

He let up the beam, as walls began to fall apart. Feeling his chest, he could tell many of his organs, were beginning to fail. Tears, forced him to look up at the ash colored sky, remembering two and his family.

However, Rael's voice shook him back to reality.

"Unfortunately that wasn't enough."

As the smoke cleared, Roku was shocked to see, Rael, still standing, amongst frozen, broken Terracotta soldiers, climbing over each other, trying to reach him. The ground he was standing on, was carved in and pressed far below ground level.

The biggest shock to Roku, was Rael's appearance.

"A Lost One..."

Rael took a deep breath, simmering in all of the dark energy.

"Not many people have driven me this far... Congrats, now I'm mad."

Dark energy reinforced the elemental phenomenon, revolving around Rael, as he crouched down, one hand on his sheathed sword. The skull on his face, painted or war in blood began to crack.

"Hod Erebos!"

Black lightning, ripped through the remnants of ceiling, racing into Rael, then his sword, accomplished by an all black magma coating. Ice condensed air pressure around his sword as he quickly unsheathed it, leaping with frightening speed, off the pillar, holding him up from the abyss.

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