Life's Thread

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Norah summoned a massive lightning strike.

Striking herself multiple times trying to maintain it within her body.

Nur hopped on an ice platform, keeping some distance from the rampant electricity.

She maintained the armour on Norah even though it kept melting.

"Static: Berserker!"

Norah leaped at Catoria.

Both throwing series of punches and kicks at each other.

Each strike Norah took resounded, throughout her body, shaking her bones, but she didn't let up.

Catoria blasted her back, with a fist of fire, unfazed by any of Norah's attacks.

Norah stumbled back, her arms burned, from blocking the attack.

Nur healed them right away, then volleyed ice balls at Catoria.

They melted in the air once they came within one meter.

Catoria was gathering energy, her body was steaming, and rings of fire crushed the ground.

Then she leaped at Norah, feinting a punch as Norah prepared to block.

Instead she grabbed Norah, by the waist.

Her arms burning Norah, as she rocketed into the sky.

Norah elbowed her and punched Catoria's face over and over.

Catoria pushed Norah up above her and started punching Norah in her gut into the sky.

Norah freefalled up, trying to catch her breath, then Catoria, appeared above her in a blur.

Smashing her down with her hands locked together.

Norah rocketed down to ground, creating a crater as tremors and exploded out with her as the epicentre.

Nur watched horrified, then rushed over to heal her.

Catoria descended still floating above them.

Norah was coughing blood.

Some internal bleeding, her bones were broken, she though to herself, as she faded in an out of consciousness.

Nur pqnicked, seeing how Norah's injuries were beyond her capabilities.

She looked back up at Catoria.

"I've got a lot of things to do. So I'm going to end this quickly. Thanks for helping me stretch a bit."

A white flaming ball of fire floated above her palm.

She pointed it at them.

"Goodbye now."

Norah looked at the ball of fire.

It was certain death.

She wished she could stop it, but she could barely move her body.

She looked at Nur, who was still staring at the attack, scared out of her mind.

"Listen to me Nur, you have to run for it. Leave me, go to the Aratris or Tobi. Just get as far away from here as possible.

Nur looked back down at Norah.

"I can't... I can't leave you."

Norah smiled.

"You're brave, one day you'll be one of the greatest heroes. Don't waste your life here."

Nur looked at Norah's eyes.

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