Beyond HQ

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It was Tobi's first time in space.

He had thrown up multiple times, in the last last hour.

The shuttle was going too fast and he wasn't used to it.

Using warp engines, their ship had made it to a middle point between the far side of the moon and the near side.

It seemed like they were floating above a crater.

"What are we looking at?"

Tobi asked, still trying to recover.

Osei was quiet, still unsure where this was going.

Sarah giggled.

"Just wait a moment."

As she finished her sentence, nano technology tinier than fleas, seemingly appeared out of of thin air.

They split apart to leave a square opening big enough for the shuttle to fly through.

Bright lights beamed on them, as they flew into a construction zone.

They flew over a massive, but ancient futuristic-looking ship.

Draped in red and gold, with a royal banner on it.

There were basic androids working all over it.

Osei yelled out, nearly breaking down into tears.

"How... how did you find this?"

Sarah smiled.

"I have your memories, remember? It seems as though Atlas did not care, for what was left...."

It was the Aratris.

Beat up, but still in good condition.

"... After he picked you up 20 years ago... I went out and scavenged everything I could. Broke down the other space ships... Won lots of easy bets online, using Tobi's credit card."

She gives him a playful smile.

"Then got to work repairing Aratris and building our headquarters."

The brothers were shocked by what she had been up to.

She was glad to see their surprise.

"Isn't this cool guys!"

She couldn't help, but keep the excitement out of her voice.

Tobi praised her.

"This is insane! You've done great, keep it up."

Their shuttle landed at a landing bay.

Tobi asked her.

"Do we have space suits?"

She gives him a small chuckle.

"Don't you worry, the Terraforma is active and it's circulating air around the dome as we speak. You can walk around freely, I've repaired it and done all the maintenance needed, including the back up power source."

She looked back at Osei.

"Let me show Tobi around the site and the Aratris... In the mean time, I've set up a private grave site far behind the building... There you can pay your respects to your teacher."

Osei was speechless, he uttered a few words.

"Thank you."

Then he left.

Tobi was still trying to process how there was air in space, but he overhead them and understood Osei needed some time alone.

Sarah proceeded to show Tobi around the construction site, talking about her plans to help defend Earth.

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