The Basics

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Tobi and Kiala put on their blindfolds at Akio's request.

"How is this going to help us see Iko?"

Tobi's first impressions of this old man, had him sketched out. He couldn't predict what Akio might do next. His instincts were right, as a tiny pebble, struck both of them in the back. Irritating the pair.

"Why would you-"

Kiala started to ask but was cut off by Akio.

"Amateurs that can't even sense a pebble, without their eyes, have no right to complain."

Kiala sealed her lips, frowning with frustration.

"One day I'm going to..."

She thought to herself.

Akio hopped up onto a platform, crossing his legs and making himself comfortable.

"From sunrise to sunset, you'll mainly be training with these blindfolds for the next several weeks. You're eyes cloud too much judgment, diminishing the potential of all, of your other sense."

They braced themselves, as they felt, a tremendous amount of energy, rising below them. Jumping up, just in time to escape a ground implosion. Spitting dust and rocks in the air all around them.

"What the h-"

Unable to continue speaking, due to a dense rock, knocking the wind out of him. Kiala, beside him, frantically shook her head around, feeling something amiss.

With their blindfolds on, it was hard to tell, but surrounding them, stopped in motion, were the stones and rocks, kicked up by the implosion.

"Use your senses, figure out, where next, I will attack."

He ran his Iko, in a rhythm through, the stones and rocks, all around them, throwing off their senses.

Randomly, several stones or pebbles would sail, into the back of their heads, their backs, thighs, and arms. Making Kiala, extremely angry. She raised her energy, about to turn up a gear. However, Akio shook his finger at her in disapproval.

"Nuh uh, no! There's no need to transform yet, during our lessons. Let the pain seep in, then use it to sense the next incoming attack.

Kiala gritted her teeth, regretting training with this lunatic.


She took a deep breath. Focusing on anything moving unnaturally, within her vicinity. As she closed her eyes, she started to first picture her iko. What it would look like. What it would be like.

A violet and ash-colored, hurricane began swirling around her, with a calming and soothing breeze. She looked around her, as a vision of an ethereal plane unfolded around her, with dozens of combat androids, pointing non-lethal weapons at her.

Kiala shed a tear. It was the moment she first got her powers. Her mother was terrified of putting her through training early, but it was why she made Saphyra. To always remind them of the mission.

She did because, before her being in that situation, Saphyra had told little Kiala that if she didn't use her powers to get through the door ahead, she would never see her mother again.

The feeling of raising her hand terrified her, yet still managed to imagine fire, ice, electricity, stones & telekinetic force, to obliterate the enemies before her.

Purple and reddish veins, ran like lava through her arms, as the feeling of losing her mom, at 4 years old, traumatized her.

Kiala chuckled, wondering how she fell for that. However there was one detail, she overlooked. The same swirling hurricane appeared before her for a second, when she was a kid. Manifesting all of the elements for her, and carrying it in the direction she wanted it to.

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