The One, That Can't Be Forgiven

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The room began to shake from the build-up of energy between both parties.

Tobi and Osei had turned around instinctively to face him, but instead of feeling fear or worrying about their lives, anger prevailed as the number one priority.

Osei could recognize that voice anywhere, no matter how many years have passed. He could never forget it.

Tobi didn't know where all of this anger was coming from. Maybe from the pain, his brother had been through, the people he had liberated and the survivors, or the fact that this creature made his birth a tragedy. Aside from all of that, it felt as if, suddenly, tons of emotions washed over him, from others within him.

Voices telling him one thing.

"He must be stopped."

Tobi said it out loud as both he and Osei, went straight into third gear, pulling out all of their strength.

Osei glanced back at Tobi, for one second, realizing it was too early for his brother to meet him. However, right now, wasn't the time for uncertainty.

"That's right brother. He is the one, that cannot be forgiven."

Sarah spoke up, breaking the tension. She had Belo and Jelani, clutching onto her, and one hand on the stone.

"Tobi, Osei, I'll get them and the stone out of here and evacuate everyone. Retreat the moment you can."

She started to gather enough energy to teleport, but Atlas raised his hand toward her.

"You will not."

His eyes gleamed, as a powerful ball of green fire, jetted faster than sound, out of his palms.

Belo and Jelani said their prayers, as life for the first time, flashed before Sarah's eyes.

The brothers, with quick instincts, got in front of it and unleashed attacks to block it.

"Ignite: Static Cannon!"

"Core Raieqa!"

Fire and electricity collide with the incoming attack, destroying the room even further, as Sarah disappeared with the keystone and the survivors.

Atlas stared down the brothers, annoyed that they let her escape with the stone, but then he cracked a smile.

"I am displeased to have lost the keystone, I've been missing all these years. After finally coming across it too, but how can I stay mad, when I've finally reunited with my favorite toy."

His smile got even creepier, as his eyes squinted.

"How long has it been? 7-8 years? I know I hadn't checked on you much, ever since I gave you to Ataron and my boys... Well, have you been treating them well?"

Blue thunder struck down, through the large holes appearing on the roof, but it was blocked by a barrier of ice, as Atlas instinctively manifested it, above him.

Osei watched, slightly shocked, but gritted his teeth and shook his thoughts away.

"I'm no longer yours to do as you please. I've risen against you and will free the people from your injustice and tyranny."

Atlas smirked at his words.

"Oh, my. How you've grown. You're almost the perfect warrior."

Atlas shook his head and laughed out loud, as the remainder of the cave crumbled around them. He protected the brothers from any falling rubble and debris so that he could continue his chat.

"Unfortunately, I'm ending all of those dreams today. As we speak, my children are dealing with your friends, which you've scattered all over my territory. I've even brought along 50 million troops and hundreds of ships, surrounding this Solar System to quell this little rebellion. There's nowhere for you to escape."

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