Child of Destiny

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2 years into the future...

Sarah was having a hard time dragging Nirro's body back to the lab.

All power had been redirected to defences.

The world and the moon was dark.

For they were no longer in the Solar System.

Sarah had been transporting the Earth and the Moon for the last 2 years, since they were being constantly attacked by the children of Atlas.

As she finally made it, she had her last remaining android, who had been preparing for her surgery.

Sarah placed Nirro's body into a cryomed connected to another empty cryomed, by a long tube.

An application Nirro thought of as a last resort to protect Earth.

Sarah then stepped into the other.

Nanites and fluids flowed through each of the cryomeds, once the glass sealed closed.

Normally the patients are put to sleep, before or within seconds of it closing.

However Sarah stayed awake.

Remembering Nirro's plan, as the last of the Novas fell one by one to the Cerian Empire.

The cryomeds whirred loud as the nanites broke down Sarah's body and integrated it with Nirro's.

Fixing the holes and damages to Nirro's body as well.

Nirro's face turned into Sarah's with her eyes closed.

Sarah's hair stayed black.

She had slits under her eyes just like Nirro.

The fluids in the cryomeds drained out and the glasses opened, after 6 hours.

Finally uploading all of Sarah's consciousness Nirro's core.

Sarah opened her eyes and coughed up some fluid.

She gasped for air.

Grasping the concept of breathing for the first time.

She walked out of it and fell to her knees crying.

She felt pain in knees from hitting the floor.

She felt the tears flow down her cheek, and her chest getting tighter as she realized she was actually alive.

The concept of being alive had only been a something she could simulate, not truly feel.

Every emotion imaginable hit her all at once.

She cried even more, thinking of everyone that died and the 5 billion people she had failed.

Dragging around a half burning planet.

Then she thought of Tobi and stopped crying.

"That's right, the last mission..."

She wiped her tears.

Her eyes stung red, but went back to normal instantly.

The android helped Sarah up and walked her over to a nearby mirror.

It was taking her time to walk in Nirro's body.

Her expression was a mixture of surprise and sadness, seeing her new transformation.

"I have her eyes..."

She reached up to her face, then looked away.

"Take me to the Mortuary, Saphyra."

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