Kiala vs the Children of Atlas

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Back to present day...

Sarah raced around the Command Center, answering calls and making sure the Beyond Space Force was ready to intercept the incoming invading fleet.

The fleet made its way towards Dargan, annihilating any defences Sarah had put in place.

One of the artillery on a moon, orbiting Dargan, blew up one of the ships, as it's remains fell into the abyss.

The rest continued on their way to Dargan.

Four ships broke off from the fleet to engage and hold off the incoming Aeromachs.

Several hundreds of shuttles exited out of them engaging with thousands of enemy shuttles also exiting their own.

The ships on the way to Dargan descended towards a plains outside of Dargan's largest city, Krojun.

Beyond's forces totaling 10 million androids, soldiers and siegemech stationed themselves outside and around the city.

The city had been evacuated.

Sarah had predicted the fleet was aiming for it, since it was near Haylon's capital castle and had the biggest Versillium mining site.

The five children of Atlas hopped out of their descending spaceships less than a kilometre from the gates of Krojun.

Their armies followed suit in hordes as the ships doors opened vertically, creating a pathway for them to walk down on.

Multiple missiles breached the sky sailing towards the ships, but they broke into pieces less than 20 meters from hitting their targets.

Explosion and impact absorbed by the force field surrounding the ships.

"Sohzin, don't you think this is overkill? I don't think they're prepared to receive us, although they look ready for battle."

The princess with blonde hair and a pale skin tone, spoke up.

All the children of Atlas wore a black and purple armour body suit, sleek and clean, except for Sohzin who wore a contrast of black and red.

Sohzin stayed quite, eyes not leaving Tobi, standing in front of the stationed Nova division.

A prince to her left, with jet black hair and a darker skin tone, laughed.

"I can take them all out, myself. Imogyen, you can sit back if you're worried."

Another princess beside Sohzin, with ice blue hair, replied back.

"Atlas sent us five for a reason, we can't underestimate them."

The princess beside her had long brown hair.

She licked her lips and started biting a nail, while looking at Nur.

"Whatever, Nanaly. They're so weak. Ghalgiel, you better not kill the girl with brown skin. I want her as my pet, she's so cute."

Ghalgiel looked at her in disgust.

"What could you possibly want with these fragile creatures, Sharna? I'm pretty sure they're the ones that killed our siblings and there are billions of them on the blue planet in this solar system."

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