Complete Isolation

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Winds began to pick up at alarming speeds, as large crevices and canyons ruptured around the planet, filling to the brim with magma. The series of disasters were caused by tectonic plates crashed into each other, slowing down to a halt

Rennaya's temperature rose up by dozens of degrees, as every volcano on Rennaya, erupted. Putting the planet, in an irreversible state.

Akio had completely sealed the planets fate. He looked up at the ashe colored sky, wondering if he had done enough.

"My son... Hopefully we will meet again soon."

His heart, connected via iko to Rennaya's core, stopped, simultaneously signalling the detonation.

Akio's body, lifeless, like an empty husk, began to crumble apart like clay, but was soon engulfed in a blazing fire and light as the world around them began to collapse with a multiple series of earthquakes, eruptions, all preparing for the last.

Mado and Atlas, struggled to cut down their restraints, tying them to the dying planet. After another second of futile attempts, they both looked at each other, with desperation. Without a word, they nodded and proceeded to free each other at the same time, with beams of ice, freezing the ominous hands holding them down.

Both teleported, instantly going their separate ways.

On Galaico's island...

Calypso had just arrived, smirking as she walked up to her brother's body-less head on the beachside of an uninhabited island, which, he fortunately landed on. However, confused and regretting his decisions more than ever, the island was now on fire and beginning to fall apart, as lava to streamed all over the island, closing in on him.

"I thought you would have been washed away by the waves by now."

Galaico scoffed.

"Please, stop with the remarks already. I'm not in the mood."

She picked her brother's head up, and hugged him, suffocating him.

"Aww, is poor little Gali, in a bad mood. I'll make you feel better."

Galaico was losing his patience, but he decided to keep calm, for there was no telling what Calypso would do to him.

"You're.... Hurting.... Me."

She smiled and raised him to eye level.

"Hahaha, sorry. Let's get you a new body, as soon as possible."

Suddenly, the ground began to shake and rise, violently. Calypso glanced around, confused.

"What's going on?"

Galaico, spoke up earnestly.

"I've been dreading the worst, but I've been sensing, strange iko at work, affecting the planet, although I'm not sure, who's doing it and what they aim to do. However I can tell, this planet, does not have much longer."

Calypso had been so distracted. Frantically, she threw her senses all over, realizing what he was talking about. She jumped up immediately, leaping into the sky, just in time as the planet began to explode.

The island they were standing on, had erupted upwards, along with waves of ocean water, then lava and debris from continental plates.

Calypso jetted, as fast as she could, trying to escape the sky. The atmosphere had begun to leak and started dissipating, making, it hard for them to breath. She reinforced herself with iko and yelled out, cursing her own powerlessness as the blast closed in, about to overtake them, with fatal speed.

In the nick of time, Atlas, appeared before his children. They cried out in relief and despair at the same time. Relieved as he was he grabbed hold of them, shifting into third gear. Then teleported as fast as he could, aiming for the Pandora. As blast, destroyed ships of allies, and enemies alike, all around them.

The Last Prince of Rennaya - DraftTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon