Atlas vs Osei

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Prometheus's defenses started to fail, as it took increased amounts of fire, from aircrafts of both Cerian  and the Kirosian fleets.

The situation was getting grim, as Beyond's forces were reduced to only forty ships. It seemed as if any cries for help, would get lost in the depths of space.

However, a light began to shine on the visitors from Earth, as over a thousand Azurian ships, came in alleviating the pressure. The entire armada and reserve.

The one leading the charge, broadcasted a message to his fleet before the attack.

"My people, and those of you watching back home. Today we have watched members of our clan die on this planet. Right now, our benefactors and the future Queen of Azuria are at risk of perishing to the monsters who threaten our very way of life and our existence... Forgive this selfish king, but will you follow me into battle and help me save my granddaughter and our allies?!"

Everyone cheered, stomping in rhythm.


Akio smiled.

"Then, let us be victorious!"

The broadcast ended, as his ship, the Azure Dragon, descended towards Rennaya, ignoring the barrage of missiles fired by the Pandora.

Akio looked back with a pained look, at the remaining, twenty-two Hashin with him, standing in formation by the bay door.

"I have seen all of you, grow up. Trained you, guiding you. I have seen you find love, be hurt, and find joy. Each of you is my kin, nothing can hold us back when we work together and no one can stop us."

He took a deep breath, then continued.

"However my comrades. Today is the one day, you are excused from your duties. This mission is out of respect for my child and the level of danger. I will not fault any of you or hold a single grudge if you feel to walk out of that door right now."

None of the Hashin, flinched, nor budged, they didn't doubt each other either.

Akio's lips trembled.

"Do you know what I'm asking of you? You're lives, will be forfeit the moment we enter Rennaya."

Roku stepped up, unveiling his mask.

"Do not disrespect us, Akio. Our honor was tarnished, the moment we let our prince die alone out there. We are failing right now to protect our King. We will make sure, we protect the next Queen of Azuria and Elder of the Rahmanaka Clan."

He glanced back at the soldiers.

"Isn't that right?!"

They stomped in rhythm, cheering.


Roku smiled at Akio as he watched a tear roll down the old man's cheek.

"Cheer up an old friend. Let us die with you."

As the Hashin began jumping out into the sky.

Planet Rennaya: Atlas vs Tobi & Osei...

Osei launched several volleys ahead, as he called on lightning to reinforce him.

Atlas was elated, dissipating Osei's volleys with electric volleys of his own and blocking his charge, then reached out, as an intricate sword, manifested out of the ground below and slipped into his hand. Allowing him to block a flaming strike from Tobi, behind him.

"Bring it on!"

He yelled out to the brothers, then began simultaneously parrying and striking back at them both.

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