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By Tamorn's Castle...

Kalista and Runa had made their way through the castle city, taking out any soldiers that charged at them.

As they approached closer to the main castle.

They noticed a figure looking down at them, from a castle balcony.

They both braced themselves.

"Trespassers, state your business!"

It was a females voice, Kalista and Runa were confused.

"I go by Kalista, a Rennayan allied with the Beyond Space force, we have come to subjugate Tamorn, child of Atlas. Who are you."

The figure dropped down from the balcony.

She was short, purple hair and had slits running under her eyes to her neck.

Dressed in a purple and black armour body suit, she wore a nasty grin on her face.

"It seems you're out of luck... Thanks Catoria's plan, things have changed up around here recently. You're gonna have to deal with me instead, Gobaela the 120th in line."

Kalista spoke back to Runa.

"You ready? It seems the plan has changed."

Runa was already in a battle stance, two versillium alloy swords in her hands.

"It doesn't matter who it is we'll take them out."

Gobaela gathered electricity within her body then she lunged at Kalista, after launching an electric ball at Runa.

Kalista braced her punch with stone arms up in front of her as she was pushed back.

Runa dodged the energy ball, cladding herself with electricity.

Gobaela followed up with a roundhouse kick full of electric currents at Kalista.

Kalista caught it, going first gear.

Her hands burning Gobaela's shin, while lava raced as marks over her veins.

"The 120th, huh? That means you're even weaker than Tamorn aren't you?"

Kalista said with a smirk then punched Gobaela flying through her castle.

She looked at Runa.

Runa nodded back gathering energy.

"Let's finish this quick and help the others."

She smiled.

At Hadron's castle...

Simon and Koji stood in front of the large castle gates, wondering if they should bust it open or fly up and sneak in.

They didn't have to make a choice, because a massive golem burst through the gates destroying it and grabbing at the air.

They jumped back giving it distance and forming defensive stances.

A small figure walked out from behind the golem.

The man was laughing.

"Sorry guys, I was hoping I could just finish this quickly. I'm rather lazy you see and if it means getting some slaves to fix my door..."

He sighed.

"I'm Hadoron, the 121st Prince, but you probably know that, since you're after me."

Both Simon and Koji looked at each other confused.

They never pictured a child of Atlas to be like this.

He looked up from the floor and gazed at them.

"I like your suits. I can see energy being drawn to it and into your bodies. Hmm, so that's how you can wield electricity and fire... fascinating."

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