The Legendary Rennayan

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Atlas looked at Zenu with a disappointed face.

"It was inevitable, you pathetic primates, have stalled me for far too long."

He gripped his right hand in a fist in front of him.

"I've grown tired with each passing day. My goal within my grasp...But you couldn't bring me one!"

Zenu looked up at him and replied.

"The Legendary Rennayan... an anomaly we haven't seen in 1400 years..."

He prepared a defensive stance.

"You expected us to be able to find them and bring them to you? Why do search for such power?"

Atlas looked at him with the largest grin on his face.

"To bring humanity as whole closer to God."

Zenu chuckled.

"By bringing destruction and fear with you?"

Atlas flicked his wrist with his sword in his left hand and a nearby building collapsed.

People screamed inside.

"It's just more fun that way, besides you primates, seem to grow stronger when placed in... difficult situations maybe with the nudge we are giving them, they just might show up."

Atlas replied, as he lunged with sonic speed.

Attacking the king with an onslaught of uncountable sword strikes.

The king parried as many strikes as he could, with blue fire burning his blade bright.

However each strike took everything he had to block and after several strikes one few one would make it through.

Atlas disarmed him on the last strike, sending his sword flying nearby.

Zenu jumped back.

He was barely able to stand.

His vision fogged up.

He had severe lacerations all over his body and one arm sliced clean off.

His new transformation started to flicker with each breath he took.

He was at his limit.

Atlas continued.

"Besides you have committed the greatest sin against me. By going behind my back and creating that serum of yours... It's finished isn't it?"

Zenu was shocked.

He knew they were being watched, but he didn't think that the Emperor would find out about the serum.

"Where is it?"

Atlas followed up.

He started walking towards Zenu.

A shower of sparrows made out of ice poured down on him and froze him in a block of ice, shaped out of birds.


Safiyah yelled at the top of her lungs.

She had turquoise vein marks running all over her body, streaks of silver hair and her eyes glowed slightly.

The Rennayans second form of ascension.

She flew from behind a tower,  rushing to his side healing as much of his wounds as possible.

He looked at the direction she came in, and saw the Aratris soaring into the sky, about to leave the atmosphere.

"They're safe."

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