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Sparks flew, and random objects caught fire all around them.

The air was so tense.

Enough that you could cut it with a knife.

They both stared each other down.

"Who are you?"

Zaryon asked, trying to keep his tone under control.

"My name is Tobi and you're right, I am half Rennayan... I'm also the one that killed your brother."

With one hand on his sword hilt, sheathed, he started to slowly walk in a circle, flanking him.

Zaryon growled and started building up his energy.

He yelled out.

"So you've been hiding here all this time... Father will be pleased when I bring you back with me. Even though, you've taken out my army, I can still conquer this world all on my own!"

Tobi chuckled.

"Aww, you wanna make your daddy proud. You see your brother had the same motivations, but he wasn't able to pull it off was he?"

He replied, attempting to aggravate Zaryon.

Out of the blue, bullets flew overhead and a tank blast went off.

All the ammunition was aiming at Zaryon, but Tobi had to jump back to avoid being hit.

He put a rock and metal rubble wall in between him and the incoming attacks.

It was the American army.

This attack was happening on their homeland and they were not backing down.

Several snipers went off in the distance all making their marks on Zaryon.

Two drones went over head, dropping missiles before circling off.

Zaryon, formed a barrier made out of flames blocking most of the incoming fire.

Multiple concentrated bullets of fire exited the flame barrier, taking down the snipers hundreds of meters away and each of the drones.

Two helicopters flew overhead each showering machine gun fire on him unrelentlessly.

The bullets bounced off and just made slight bruises, which healed instantaneously.

He flew up and caught one of the rotors with his bare hands and broke it off.

Then he jumped off the helicopter with massive flames coming out of his feet engulfing the whole helicopter and sending it crashing to ground.

He flew to the next one and sliced it in half with his sword in an arc of fire, killing all those inside as it exploded.

He looked at the two squads down below and tanks, firing at him earlier.

They continued to fire at him up floating in the sky.

His life force continued to drain but in tiny amounts as his body regenerated.

Zaryon was annoyed.

Tobi had shielded himself in a dome of dirt and metal to keep himself safe.

He made a small slit to be able to see what's going on with a clear ice lens covering it.

He was horrified by the destruction.

Zaryon created a massive pressurized ball of fire, which was two-thirds of his size.

Then launched it at them at sonic speed.

Tobi broke out of his dome.


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