Beyond Lawsuit

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As Tobi promised, he asked Sarah and Saphyra to think of a plan to help feed the new population.

They went to work earnestly, happy to gain more allies.

The rest of the Novas, including the world, had an awkward time adjusting to Sarah's change and Saphyra's takeover.

Some having newfound trust issues, but as time went on, it was quickly brushed off. Life became slightly better than it was before.

However some people were left unhappy of the events that had transpired on Dargan and on Earth.

Talks concerning life and safety, became prominent on social media.

Before long, a high priority case was taken up at the Republic of Rennaya's Supreme Court.

Between dozens of world leaders and the Beyond Space Force.

The world leaders argued, that they were not as equipped to protect their planet or their countries, if Beyond did not share patents of their space tech technology.

They felt they had grown past the trust boundaries and they themselves, wanted to participate or at least have a voice in any events in space.

Their argument was agreeable with the masses, as they had started to feel as if Beyond could not protect them.

Sarah was furious.

"They're just trying to take all my hard work."

Her mood was felt across the whole headquarters, but Tobi knew there was little he could do, to remedy the situation.

Especially since he knew how the people felt, he slightly hoped to lessen the burden on himself.

A fortnight after the events on Dargan, a new Bill was passed, added on the Beyond Constitution.

Allowing the distribution of a Nova gear to countries for, reinnervation, replication and use in space defence against all alien threats.

Only countries and allies with the Beyond Constitution, were permitted to acquire Nova suit's, Nova Lite suit's, high speed rovers, shuttles and aircrafts.

Lastly each, were promised a fully equipped spaceship, for use to pioneer, and combat in space.

She made digital courses in all languages on how to remodel and use each technology

After about a week, Tobi, Osei and the Novas were invited to the Rahmanaka Clans planet and home base, Planet Azuria.

Some of the Novas turn down the invite, however Kalista and Osei chose to participate.

Hoping to see traces of their people on Azuria.

Near the Azuria's Orbit...

Their shuttles exited out of Prometheus and descended down towards Azuria's orbit.

"Whoa, it's just like the cities in the desert."

Kayed exclaimed looking out of the window, as the shuttle flew over the Royal Capital, of Jadarn.

Carina didn't look too happy, Norah and Runa convinced her to come with them at the last minute.

"I hope it's not too hot."

Runa let out light giggles, looking at her.

"You can't back out now."

They started to get closer with all they've been through, including several talk shows and photoshoots around the world.

"I'm so glad I came. I could use a break from all the drama."

Norah smiled at the both of them.

"I'm not sure what we're in for, but they asked us all to come battle ready."

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