Galzed vs Osei & Helio

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The sound of metal hitting metal rang across the pavilion, as Osei and Galzed traded blow for blow.

Osei jumped back noticing the floor freezing and creeping near his feet from Galzed.

Galzed yelled out.

"World of Ice."

The wind picked up fast.

The ground from him as the epicenter froze at an incredibly fast pace.

Osei jumped back even further near Helio then jumped in the air, floating, by keeping electricity running under his feet.

For lightning users, doing this drains a heavy amount of energy.

Helio jumped up and created a floating ice platform for himself, then one for Osei, so that he could retain his stamina.

Osei looked back at him and nodded.


The two looked around below them.

The entire castle was frozen.

The temperature dropped drastically.

Osei  and Helio started to feel chills, as mist formed from their breath.

Galzed laughed.

"Since it's two vs one, I hope you don't mind if I fight in my comfort zone. Now..."

He created an ice platform for himself to fly with and charged at Osei.

Osei went into first gear, then he and Helio fired hundreds of electric balls and iceicle blades at him.

Galzed intercepted each barrage with even more icicles rising from the frozen city.

Then he crashed through the attacks and collided with Osei's sword.

Striking him off his platform.

Osei free falled for a bit but maintained flight, creating a small condensed ball of electricity in is palm and kept it rotating at mach speed.

Osei parried Galzed's incoming sword strikes, as Helio shot ice blades at Galzed's back.

Once he found an opening, Osei thrusted the ball into Galzed's and yelled, "Raika Sphere."

Tens of millions of volts spilled out of the sphere as it crashed like glass coursing through Galzed's body.

He was sent flying down through the castle city, leaving destruction in his wake.

Osei zoomed in to follow up, but a gigantic golem over 30 feet tall made out of ice seemingly rose out of the ground, and swatted Osei, across the other side of the city.

Helio was terrified, his knees shook as he looked up at the golem.

We were in over our head, he thought.

We could never defeat them.

The golem made its way towards Helio, seeming gliding across the ice city.

Hordes of kazuc screeched towards Osei's direction gunning for were he dropped.

Helio panicked even more he didn't know what to do.

Buzzes went off in his hear and then a voice cracked through.

"Helio, get yourself together, remember where you came from, remember what your here to do."

Helio responded.

"Sarah... I don't know if I can do this."

"You are Helio Leondro, there's nothing you can't do. Why can't you control his ice?"

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