Sky Hammer

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Back near the Lavarack Barracks...

Selvin Hykes and the siegemechs broke through the ranks of giants from multiple races.

His troops held them off as he made his way towards the children of Atlas.

They had destroyed dozens of drones and fighter jets flying at them.

He looked around below, only to see the remains of soldiers, tanks and some of their drone soldiers.

He was furious, but kept his composure.

He tuned into comm.

"Saphyra, the targets are in position, I will send you the coordinates. Fire the Sky Hammer."

The children of Atlas noticed the Nova Prime keeping it's distance from them.

"Is he afraid of us?"

Galad asked his siblings.

Sixteen rays of light, surrounded them appearing from the sky.

Ataron looked up into the sky quickly.

"No, he's attacking us."

The Sky Hammer, a powerful laser beam satellite, using several energy sources, to power a large concentrated laser beam.

Sarah gained this idea from one of Tobi's favourite video games.

The sixteen laser beams grew at the speed of light, combining together, as the Sky Hammer beamed out it's maximum output.

The resulting explosing sent the Nova Prime flying back into his troops fighting the giants.

The shockwave shook everyone off their feet.

Selvin looked up towards the epicenter of the continuous blast.

The five children of Atlas were protected by a dome made of constant ice, titanium and other strong minerals from the ground.

As the beam dug into the earth around them, their dome cracked, and shook.

"It's getting hot."

Stresci said fanning herself with one hand and keeping the other up to maintain the dome with Mikrel and Arcah.

"Don't worry we're almost done."

Ataron said, grinning.

Him and Galad were preparing a combined attack.

A ball of blue fire and electricity, rotated at mach speed between both of their palms.

They quickly pushed their palms forward pointing straight at the Sky Hammer.

The ball shattered forward, ejecting a continuous, rapid beam of blue fire and electricity, splitting the Sky Hammer's laser beam.

Selvin watched in disbelief as the electric pillar of blue fire raced through the massive laser beam.

Then the laser stopped, as the satellite blew up, taking all 14 of it's passengers along with it.

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