Sarah's World

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Tobi got up slowly, as her body fell to the side with a thud.

The fireball that took down his medic, caused a small explosion nearby.

He covered his face from the dust and smoke.

Each movement he made, resulted in spikes of pain, shooting through his entire body.

His heart was beating so fast, a side effect of injecting the medicine twice.

Tobi breathed heavily.

With difficulty, he finally stood up, looking at Zaryon.

The ball of pressurized and condensed white fire, had reached three times his size by now, growing to the fourth.

He was furiously keeping up his ice armour, to protect himself from the heat.

This attack was shaving away thousands of years, off his life.

He couldn't lose focus on it.

Tobi spoke into his comm.

"Sarah, can you patch me through to the World?"

Sarah surprised asked back, while disconnecting from the world telometer.

"Are you sure? There's no time, that ball of fire could wipe out half of the planet."

He shook his head and responded back.

"Yeah I know... I wanna ask them something."

Sarah agreed and patched him through.

"You're live."

The broadcast switched to him.

Tobi chose his words carefully.

"People of Earth, my name is Tobi and I was born in Nigeria. I only found out I was also half an alien recently, but that doesn't matter right now... That alien up there, wants to take away our will to live... However! We have the power to fight back."

He made a fist, gripping it in front of him,  other arm still missing.

He didn't move his eyes from Zaryon for one second.

Tobi started gathering energy.

Rings of fire crushed the the crater further, as he started drawing energy from all around him.

He continued.

"I barely have the strength to stand, but I know we can still win..."

A rock arm formed on his missing arm.

Ice layers formed all over his body.

He added more layers on his palms.

"I have one final move that can help us all see tomorrow, but I will need your help to do it. Lend me your energy, no matter how small. We are all connected... If you give me permission, we can defeat him, right now."

People across the world watched, confused and scared at the same time.

However they understood.

There was no other moment.

Now was the time to make a choice.

People across the world reached out, wishing to give him strength.

Some threw their hands in the air or closed their eyes praying, while others looked at the screen in the sky.

Hoping, that he would win.

Tobi reached out.

Further than he had ever done before.

He felt his allies and people across the world, sharing their energy.

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