[03:20 pm]
I can't sleep.

What's up?

I'm up. I can't sleep.

If I could, I would sing you to sleep.

I can't hold back my smile. Even though this boy isn't Shawn Mendes, he's really sweet.

That's actually the cutest thing, someone said to me, in a long time.

I've sent the sentence before thinking longer about it. My gosh, hopefully, he doesn't overinterprete this.

So... no charming boyfriend who's telling you, you're his sunshine?

I don't know why I'm answering this, but nope.

📩 (2)
I don't know why I'm smiling now, but okay.

Will you go to one of the Shawn Mendes concerts near your hometown?

I definitely want to.
But I don't have tickets, cause at the time I had tix, my best friend and I had a big fight, and she told me she didn't want to go anymore, so... I did sell her ticket and mine too.
A day later, she called me to apologize. But that was way too late, everything was sold out. That offered of course a lot of fighting-potential, again.

Very sad story.

I'm crying now. No, just joking.
That's of course terrible.
The Mendesarmy surely is in a hurry when it comes to a ticket-sale.

Will you go?
(Why am I asking, you will stand of course on the stage and sing. Haha.)

It's actually so sad, that you don't believe me at all. What do I have to do that you finally believe me?

Tix for Shawn Mendes in concert in Toronto?

Of course! That's a great idea. I have to say it crossed my mind too, but I didn't want to seem creepy when I ask out of the sudden for your address.

Think of it as done.


I'm writing on a song,
do you wanna read a bit of it?

Just a bite.

Okay, here we go.
I'm a bite nervous - normally, I have not that much directly interaction when it comes to share one of my songs. But okay, here we go.

If you said
You would leave me now
I wouldn't be surprised
Cause I always knew and I always know
That now you may stay, but one day, you'll go

If you told me
That you have someone new
I wouldn't stop thinking good about you
Cause it's always my own worth I evaluate low, and it's always your own wealth that's more important to you


What's that for a wow? Wow, that's bad? Wow, that's so bad, Shawn-wanna-bee left the chat?

It's wow, that's good. That's really good.
I like the plottwist with the "I wouldn't stop thinking good about you".
It's really deep.


Really. If you think more about it - I know, you did, I'm sorry - it's a statement, that many people can relate to.

Can you relate, too?

Yes I can. But with a less bitterness as in the next verse.

I'm not sure about the "you" at the end. It doesn't fit perfectly into the rhythm.

But it does fit perfectly into the content. Do you sing your songs, too? I mean do you already have a melody?

Yeah, I do, but sometimes I don't find the right melody. Then I just put it into my ideas-box and get it out when I'm having an inspiration.

I do have one.

Oh, really? Would you play it to me?

Not today, but maybe another time - when you don't stop writing with me.

I can't promise that.

But I promise you that I won't ever get tired, reading your songs.

Stop it, stop it.

No for real.

Okay, then, I promise, I won't ever get tired, hearing your honest feedback. Even though it's at the moment only compliments. But yeah. What I'm tired of is, that I'm tired (even though, that was exactly what I wanted some minutes ago). Why do we all have to sleep that much and that often?!

Good question, smooth pass. Makes me think of "Where do we all go, when we fall asleep".

If you'd be really Shawn Mendes, I would ask you if you know Billie Eilish. But for now: good night Wanna-bee. :)

Good night my Wattpad-girl.

Too cringe. Way to cringe.

Good night Jane Doe.

Good night again Shawny-🐝 :)

! The rights to the songlyrics in this chapter belong to me!

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