getting back into our rythem

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Yawning, type was to the kitchen to be mixing some food about to hang his head to dart his eyes about to then turn his head to look to tharn confused has he came about to place his hands behind his head to place his semi long hair into a pony tail to then go to the fridge to open to eye about.
"What are you doing up this early?"
Tharn grabbed a milk carton to lift his head back for type to roll his eyes to step to tharn to then grab the milk carton to go to the cabinet to grab a glass to place some in, tharn placed his hand to his hip to look over this.
"Why can't I....."
"We share the milk tharn. Now why are you up so early?"
"Needed something to drink after the night I had."
Type took in a deep breathe to make a face, he was starting to envy tharn a bit, it seemed he had a sex every day with someone knew, that's not what type wanted, he wanted Dr. Thera but that wasn't doing so well.
"Mm..... Good for you "
Type placed the carton down to grab the glass to hand it to tharn to then start to mix his food once more, tharn eyed that action to step closer to type.
"Would you like to hear what we...."
Type signed to turn his head to look to tharn with an eye brow raised.
"Just trying to help, maybe if you heard about my moves oooor I can tell you about my game and how I got them to my bed."
Type rolled his eyes to then look back to his food.
"You should get back to them."
"They left about an hour ago."
Type nodded.
"Your still wearing protection right tharn?"
Tharn lightly laughed to look down to his drink to swirl his milk about.
"Always such a worry wort."
"Getting an std is not something you want to get tharn, I see them in both men and women. There not fun."
Tharn looked up to dart his eyes.
"Is..... That the reason why...."
Type lightly laughed to shake his head.
"Your my best friend."
Tharn smiled.
"There it is."
Tharn turned to then leave, type turned his head to watch tharn leave with a confused face to then shrug to go back into making his lunch for the day.
At work, type was getting very frustrated, he tried to talk to Dr. Thera who kept giving him the cold shoulder. By the end of his shift type went home to be taking off his shoes to hang up his bag to turn to look about to make a face, not seeing tharn in the living room ment one thing, type slowly went about to keep his head hung to then make a confused face, he then moved his head up slowly to then look over the door to raise his hand to place a finger to a sock to raise an eye brow.
You.... Actually listened.....huh.....
Type nodded to then go to his bedroom to cost the door slowly to place himself to his door to make a surprised face.
Type then signed to move from his door to then take his clothes off to take a frustrating shower.
Done, type had turned off the water to have his head hung to have his hands to his neck to eye down to shake his head, has he watched his cum go down the drain.
Type signed to then remove his hands to then get out of the shower to wrap a towel about his mid section to then leave his bathroom to then jump to turn his head to the side to take in a deep breathe to then turn his head forward to look to tharn who had his door open to be with his body to the frame to have a sock go about his finger.
Type looked over tharn a bit confused.
"What are you...."
Tharn raised an eye brow to then laugh to place that sock to types nob to then move out to close his door, type rolled his eyes.
Type then went to his dresser to get dressed to place his towel to his hamper to go to his door to open to grab the sock to go about to then find tharn to the couch to then throw it to him.
"You really need to knock it off."
Tharn turned his head to wrap his arms about himself.
"It's just funny type, don't get your panties in a twist."
Type narrowed his eyes to then raise an eye brow to then go slowly to tharn for him to look type up and down.
"Is that.... Guy gone?"
"Um.... Yes.... Why?"
Type couldn't help but let a smile break across his face to then go in front of tharn to then hunch himself over to start to tickle.
Tharn squirmed to laugh very much loud.
"Damn you type! Hahaha..... Knock it off!"
Type then sat on tharn to wrestle with him to keep up the action of tickling him to his spots.
"Type! Haha! Stop!"
"Nuh huh. I'm at my limit with you tharn and all your teasing, you deserve this!"
Type moved about to keep tickling tharn.
Tharn narrowed his eyes to then gain the advantage to place his hands to types body to move him to his back to Hover over to then place his hands to his body to tickle back, type thrashed about to laugh for them to then both start to tickle the other. After a bit, type stayed to his back to look to the ceiling to breathe heavily for tharn to be to his side to be semi on his back to look up to breathe heavily has well.
"Well.... That's something we haven't done in awhile."
"Mm..... Need to do it more given you keep teasing me, you really need to let up a bit."
Tharn turned his head to look at type.
"Can't help it, your easy to tease type."
Type rolled his eyes to then sit up to eye about.
Tharn went to his side to place his hand to his head to look to type.
"Even though we're older now, we can still have fun here and there type."
Type nodded to then turn his head to look to tharn.
"Mm... That we do. I'm going to make dinner, anything you want?"
Tharn shrugged.
"Surprise me."
Type nodded to then get up to go to the kitchen for tharn to watch him go to then go to his back to look to the ceiling to sign.

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