being just friends...... maybe

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By the end of the month, type was to the cafeteria to the hospital to be surrounded by other nurses and doctors to be writing down a lot of things in his file to then peer his eyes to the side has he felt vibration.
Type then grabbed the phone from his back pocket to eye over it to raise an eye brow.
Tharn: they are having a carnival. Let's go tomorrow. You have the weekend off right?
Type: yes I don't work this weekend.
Tharn: cool. It's a date.
Type narrowed his eyes at that word.
Type: tharn!
Tharn: haha. Your fun to tease.
Type rolled his eyes to then place the phone back to his pants to then go back to writing, to the other side of the table, Dr. Thera was there to have witnessed all of that to be eyeing type a bit.
The faces he made looked really cute.
Doctor thera shook her head to then eye down to continue to write.
After everyone was done, they all got up one by one to leave, dr. Thera looked to type to watch him place his bag over his body to not give her another look to then turn to leave.
Taking in a deep breathe, Dr. Thera then went to go and follow.
Type turned his head to look her over a bit confused to then eye forward..
"Is there something....."
"No.... Just curious. Who were you texting? You seemed.... Very happy."
Type stopped to Furrow his brow confused by that to then turn his head to look over the doctor.
"I looked.... Happy?"
"That you did."
"Just.... Been over working myself, my roommate tharn, were going to go to the carnival this weekend.... Um..... Would you like to come?"
Thera looked over type to make a considering face.
"I unfortunately work this weekend. Next time."
Types eyes widened to then watch the doctor leave to part his lips to then smile and wide.
Going home, type couldn't help but keep that smile to his face to then go into the apartment to turn to take off his shoes and then his bag to hang it up to turn to start to go about he then went to the living room to eye over a picture to nod.
Finally, something normal.
Type turned his head has he heard a noise to see tharn came about with his hair tied back, paint marks over his face a bit, to be wearing a black tank top to have very baggy pants to stop to eye over type.
"Welcome home."
Type looked tharn up and down to have his heart jump a bit to shake his head to then turn it to look to the painting to wrap his arms about.
"This is really good."
Tharn went closer to eye to nod .
"One of my bests, would have been better if you let me paint you into it."
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn his head to eye over.
"Stop it."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"So tomorrow, carnival?"
Type nodded to then turn to go about to head to the kitchen for a bit of a snack, tharn turned to follow to then go to type to place his body to his to wrap his arms about.
Type widened his eyes a bit has he was fixing himself food.
"What are you doing?"
"It's been a month since we...... Can we?"
"Tharn.... We both agreed to a break. Now please get off, just want to eat then go to bed. I'm really tired."
Tharn signed to move himself off of type to step back to eye over.
"Can I.... Sleep in your bed then?"
"Tharn.... Your not sick."
"I don't know about that. Think I'm ill from down below."
Type made a confused face to then turn his head to eye over tharn to eye down to roll his eyes to turn his head back to continue his snack.
"An erection is not being sick."
"But it can't go away without you."
"Actually it can. Use your hand."
Type grabbed his plate to then go about tharn to head to his room, tharn turned to make a face, not being physical was starting to irritate him.
The next day, tharn actually drove them to the place for type and him to actually have a day full of fun and mostly type winning the games.
Stepping back tharn made a face.
"Okay.....I think all these games are rigged."
Type couldn't help but to laugh.
Tharn turned his head to look over type to smile, he loved that laugh, he then took in a deep breathe to walk to type.
"Let's go do a ride or something."
Type looked to tharn to nod for them to go about, type stopped at one two which tharn was very admitted about.
"I don't want to go on that ride."
Tharn turned his head to eye.
"It's the longest and it's a boat ride."
Tharn then went to type to place his hand to his to then pull.
To the start of the ride, type had his head turned to watch over this, tharn then turned his head to look to type.
"See.... Isn't it fun?"
Tharn then moved a bit closer.
"Can tell something is on your mind type. What is it?"
"Well.... Asked Dr. Thera to come. She said next time. Think she is coming around."
Tharns eyes widened .
"You asked her to come... Here?"
Type turned his head to look to tharn.
Tharns eyes narrowed to then turn his head to look forward, type raised an eye brow.
"Why are you.... Angry?"
Tharn took in a deep breathe to look about to then look to type to move so very close to then place his mouth to his neck, type placed his hands to him.
"What are you..... Tharn!"
Immediately tharn placed his hands inside of types shorts, into his boxers to then start to stroke at his member. Type melted a bit from that touch, it had been a month since that part of him had been played with.
"Nn.... Tharn.... What are you...."
With his free hand tharn took one of types to place into his pants to go straight to his erection to go to types ear.
"Play with mine too."
Type made a hard face to comply.
The two jerked the others lengths, for tharn to move his head back from kissing types neck to then look behind, the other boat way far enough away, tharn then got ahold of type to place him on himself.
Type turned his head to look to tharn.
"Are you crazy!"
Tharn looked over type to smile to place his hands to types pants and boxers to move them down to immediately place himself in, type turned his head to lift has he felt that length to deeply inside.
Tharn kept his eyes to type to make him ride his cock and hard, type made a hard face to remain silent has they went through this ride.
At the end, tharn had a furrow brow to have a hand to his cheek to rub has they both came moments earlier, for type to get immediately off to slap tharn to the face.
Getting out of the boat the two went straight to the car to have a very silent ride back.

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