our high school days

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With his arm over his eyes, type breathed in deep to then tense to wince, he moved his arm away to look up to sign to shake his head.
"What the hell!"
Tharn couldn't help to laugh to then eye down types now red stomach.
"What you get for sleeping without a shirt and over."
Type moved up to place his hands behind him to eye over tharn.
"Over what?"
Tharn smirked to wrap his arms about himself.
"Look at the time."
Type looked over tharn confused to then turn his head to look to his clock that was to his side table to widen them to then leap out of bed.
Tharn turned to then sit to the edge of types head to look over him to part his lips at what he was seeing.
Type then hunched himself over place his pants on to then place on a shirt to turn to stop to eye over tharn to raise an eye brow.
"Tharn....." He said slowly.
Tharn gulped to then roll it's eyes to look forward.
"Am gay here type, but...... Think looking over you, your going to make me straight."
Type narrowed his eyes.
"Mm.... Then soak it all in."
Tharn looked back to type to shake his head to then laugh.
"Haha...... Now we need to go to school."
Type nodded to then go first for tharn to follow to place his hand to his neck to rub to sign.
Going to the table, the two sat has types mother was to the stove to then plate to turn to go to the table to place down the breakfast to then eye over them.
"So..... Boys......I saw the door closed. We've talked about that."
Type looked to his mother for tharn to turn to eye over to speak first.
"Do not worry.......I don't like your son like that, he is very much straight and too ugly for me."
Type and his mom looked to tharn to narrow there eyes, he looked to them to hang his head to laugh.
Types mother rolled her eyes.
"I still want the door open. Um tharn...... Um..... Does your parents know you.... Spent the night?"
All humor left tharns face for him to take in a deep breathe to then eye over his food, type looked to tharn with a face to then eye over his mother.
"Um mom? Wheres dad?"
Types mother turned her head to get distracted for them to talk.
Tharn couldn't help but to smile, he liked when type came to his aide.
After breakfast, the two had there back packs on to then walk to school.
Type took in a deep breathe to keep his head hung.
"So.....I don't want to bring this up but...... Do you parents know that you crashed at my place? Scared me when you kept throwing those, what rocks? At my window at 2 in the morning."
Tharn signed.
"No..... They don't know okay. I don't want to talk about it."
Type turned his head to look over tharn to then turn his head back to look forward.
"Tharn....... When are you going to come out to your parents? Mine know, don't think yours will be that mad. I know they are really religious but.... Hey!"
Type was moved back and forth has tharn wrapped his arm about to start to take him about quicker.
"We really need to make sure we're not late to school."
Type made a face, this is what he had to deal with since tharn came out to him when they were 13, the two knew each other since they were 11, now 16 this was a regular thing with them. Type knew why tharn didn't want to tell his parents, given they were extremely religious, however he didn't like to see tharn act like. Someone else when he was able to spend the night to his place.
Has school went about when they got there just a bit late, type came about from gym to then go into the showers to stop to widen his eyes, he then tilt his head has he looked over Simone's back to take in a very deep breathe.
Why.... Is a girl in here?
Type then went closer to place his hand to there shoulder.
"Um...... Think your in the wrong...."
They turned to then smile, type stepped back to roll his eyes to turn his head.
"Tharn! How many times have I've told you, you need to put your hair up!"
Tharn lightly laughed to then raise his arms to do just that to place his hair into a pony tail, to eye over type to look to his ears that were red.
"Mm..... Is someone..... Embarrassed?"
Type signed to then turn to go about to a closed stall.
"How can I not be? Thought you were a girl."
Tharn rolled his eyes very slowly to turn his head to look where type went.
"Why do you think that?"
"You have.....a girls back."
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Don't believe that....oooh..... Is it that back fetish you have?"
Type hung his head has the water hit the back of his neck.
"Told you that in confidence you ass!"
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh.
"That you did. Not trying to make you feel bad about it. Um type?"
Type signed, he then moved his head up to place a hand to his head to slick his hair back.
"Can..... Can I spend the night again?"
Type turned his head to dart his eyes.
"My dad..... He texted me, a bit ago..... He's very pissed that I wasn't in my room this morning, really don't want to deal with it."
Type turned his head to dart his eyes.
"I..... Can be there right with you..... To tell your parents your gay. You don't need to have to do it alone. Remember, your best friend here."
"Type..... I'm not ready for that. Coming out to you and your family...... People here know....I..... Just need more time."
Type took in a very deep breathe to then turn his head to look forward to make a face.
"When I'm done with the shower..... What would you like me to text my mom you want for dinner?"
Tharn couldn't help but to smile.
Has the day progressed, the two were in types room for type to be to his bed and tharn to the ground to be both eyeing up. Tharn then turned his head to then peer his eyes up.
"Type? Are you still awake?"
Type nodded.
"Yeah.... Why?"
"Your floor.....it hurts, can I... Sleep with you?"
Type signed.
Tharn then moved up on his elbows.
"Come on type. I'm really tired, but sleeping on your floor sucks. Let me sleep with you."
Type Darted his eyes to then grab his pillow to get up to then toss it at tharn with his choice of words.
"Type..... Knock this off. Just kidding. I do not see you in any sort of light other then a friend okay..... Can I please sleep to a comfortable bed?"
Type looked over tharn to sign to then shuffle to his side to place his hands under his head to continue to eye over tharn to then motion with his head. Tharn smiled to then get up to go and quick to it to lay to his back.
"Mm..... Thank you."
Type then closed his eyes.
"This is not going to happen again."
Tharn turned his head to eye over type.
"Not.... Unless we're sick? Right type?"
Type signed has he remembered that rule he made when they were 12, when they both were sick and they wanted to sleep near the other, type allowed it, but didn't know tharn liked boys until a year later, so this made him a bit squimish.
"Mm...... Right...."
Tharn smiled and wide to then turn to his side to wrap his arms about him. Type started to thrash.
"Come on type, your warm."
Type signed to submit to groan.
"I..... Let you have your way to much."
Tharn started to move his nose to types neck to tease.
"If that was true, we would be losing our virginitys with the other."
Type turned his head to eye over tharn.
"Damnit tharn!"
Tharn couldn't help but to laugh to hold him closer.
"Haha, you are just so fun to tease."
Type rolled his eyes to then close them .
"You are such an ass."
Tharn moved closer.
"That I can be. Mm... Let's sleep. Don't want to be late for school tomorrow."
Type started to succumb to tharns weight and heat to go under with tharn wrapped about him.

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