coming up with a story

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At rounds, type was moving about the hospital going to all his patients, to then be to a hallway to look over the doctor, type took in a deep breathe to then walk towards her, hearing a noise dr. Thera turned her head to eye over type to give him a glare to turn her head forward to go about the hospital, type signed to then go quicker.
A week and a half of this was enough.
Type went right next to her.
"Dr. Threa can we please talk?"
The doctor stopped to then turn her head to eye over type.
"We are at work. I also do not want to talk to you given what you did."
Type made a very sullen face, the doctor eyed over that to then sign to peer her eyes to the side.
"After work. Meet me next to my car. I will only give you 5 minutes."
Type turned his head to watch her leave to nod.
He then turned to do the rest of his shift to think about what he was going to say, type couldn't tell her what really happened in that hour and what was going on between him and his best friend.
Once work was done, type had his bag over himself to be walking towards the doctors car to see her to it to have her arms wrapped about has he came closer.
"Remember you only have 5 minutes.'
She said has type was before her.
Type took in a very deep inhale.
"Dr. Thera......I had to help my roommate with one of his projects."
She raised an eye brow.
"For an hour?"
Type nodded.
The doctor rolled her eyes to move herself from the car to then start to go around to the driver's side.
"You can't be honest with me then...."
Type took a step forward.
"Fine......I...... Saw something I shouldn't have and I had to help tharn."
Type made a hard face.
The doctor stopped to then turn her head to eye over type.
"What did you see?"
Type placed his hand to his neck to think of a convincing lie that was a bit to the truth.
"Well...... Um.... You know my roommate is gay right?"
Her eyes widened to then step closer to really eye over type.
"Did you.....catch him having sex?"
Type made a very hard face to peer his eyes down, the doctor parted her lips to then place herself back to the car to look forward.
"Wow..... He was doing it..... Right there?"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Yeah...... The person he was with..... Got mad at me."
The doctor turned her head to eye over type once more.
"Why would he be mad at you?"
Type looked to the doctor to give her an uncomfortable face.
"I..... Broke up there fun and...... Told them how wrong they were to be..... At that moment and all."
" were in the right."
Type shrugged to place his hands into his pockets to continue to eye over her.
"I know I was. But that's what took me so long. Had to deal with a lot then I looked to my phone.... I'm so sorry."
The doctor signed has she looked over type to then eye the ground.
"That was a lot. I.... Just don't know though."
Type took a step closer.
"Please give me another chance. I want to take you out on a real date."
Dr. Thera looked to type.
"Well......I do need to get out of this place to..... Have a bit of fun....I also have heard you've turned down nurses here...."
Type gulped, has he knew the reason why he did that.
"Fine.... But this is your last chance."
Type couldn't help but to smile to watch the doctor go about her car.
"You won't regret this."
She stopped before her door to then eye to him.
"I better not."
Type nodded and quick to watch the doctor get in the car to then leave, he couldn't help but to smile.
To the apartment, tharn splattered paint to his canvas to then step back to eye over it to breathe hard.
One of my best.
Tharn darted his eyes over his work to hear the door open and close to not look.
"Mm, type.... Can you come here and look at this? Believe it's one of my....... Type?"
Tharn was turned to be pushed to the couch to have his head be pulled back by his hair that was in a pony tail, to have his eyes widened, to have his mouth to types who was on him to be grinding, tharn darted his eyes over type to then close them to place his hands to his waist to get into this.
Type then left that mouth to go to his neck to keep grinding to move his hands down from tharns chest to go to his shorts to start to undo.
Tharn kept his head lifted back to curl his bottom lip inward to feel the weight of type on him to then place his hands to types scrub bottoms to start to take them down, following his lead.
"Well.... Damn type...... Haha.... "
Type then moved his head up to place it over tharns to sign a bit to then place his hands to either side of his neck.
"Let's not talk okay?"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
"Why? And what's gotten into you for....."
Type made a face.
"Do you want to do it or not?"
Tharn looked over type to then move them to the other side of the couch, to place his hands to his body to tease for them to go further into this.
After, tharn was laying to the other side of the couch to his back, to have a hand to his forehead to eye over the ceiling to take in deep breathes, has type was sitting to place back on his clothes with a smile.
Tharn took in a very deep content breathe in to then move up on his forarms to eye over him.
"What are you....."
Type then got up to eye over tharn.
Tharn looked over type to laugh a bit.
"Why are you getting dressed? Think we can go again after..... Just damn type. What was all that about?"
Type couldn't help but to smile wider to then start to go about.
"I have a date with Dr. Thera."
Tharns body froze to look ahead to then grit his teeth, he felt very used.
Going to his room, type then felt a bit of a push to get weight to his back, to then turn his head to look over tharn who had his body to his, to have his arms wrapped about to then place his mouth to his neck to start to kiss.
"Tharn? What are you doing?"
Tharn then pushed his body with his, to then push him to the bed to then start to take down his lower, type turned his head to look down.
"Saw your still hard, so am I. So let's go again."
"Tharn.... I'm tired."
"Sure type. Or are you just thinking of that slut now?"
Type looked to tharn and hard with anger.
"Excuse me!? What the.....nnn!"
Type moved his head forward to start to go up and down has tharn thrusted himself in and hard to keep his forehead to types back to let a few tears fall.

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