becoming frustrated

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After there miss understanding, two weeks went by for type to be to the nurses desk to be chewing at his inner cheek, he was becoming sexually frustrated. Type still pined over Dr. Thera but has usual she didn't returned any feelings, type was starting to consider going after a nurse however he couldn't stop thinking about when he came from his prostate being massaged. It really did feel good.
Type then widened his eyes has he started to think about it to groan to grab his file to then turn to leave in a huff, dr. Thera came about to look over him.
Type shook his head to keep going forward.
Dr. Thera raised an eye brow.
Going about, type finished his shift to be to his car to have his head pressed against the back to be eyeing forward to sign.
Tharn and him had been distant since things had occured, which was understandable.
Type continued to think about moving but was hesitant.
Sighing he then got out to go about to head inside, he stood there with the door open to eye over tharn who had a big canvas to be painting with techno music going to have a smile to his face, type turned to close the door to then hang up his bag to take off his shoes to go about to eye over the piece.
"This is..... Really something."
Tharn moved back to place his hands to his hips to breathe in deep.
"Think one of my best."
Tharn turned his head to eye over type.
Type looked over the piece to shrug.
"Think needs more....pop?"
Tharn made a considering face to then turn his head to look over the piece.
"Think..... Your right. Mm....."
Type then looked about tharn.
"Um.... Have you've eaten?"
"Not yet."
Type turned to go to the kitchen.
Tharn turned to eye over him to then walk towards to then place himself to the wall to eye over type.
"What..... Are you going to make?"
Type shrugged.
"I don't know yet."
Type looked through the fridge.
Tharn tilted his head has type bent over a bit, tharn started to take in deep breathe has he stared at his ass, tharn then curled his bottom lip inward to bite into it.
Type grabbed some things to then move back to eye over it to turn about to eye over tharn who looked immediately up, type narrowed his eyes.
"Tharn......" He said slowly.
Tharn looked over type to eye over him.
"You have.....a cute ass type, not my fault."
Type rolled his eyes to then turn to go about to place the things he gathered to the counter to eye over to start to cook them to shake his head.
Tharn moved himself from the wall to then step to type to eye him over.
"So....... Are you sexually frustrated?"
Type stopped to then turn his head to look over tharn.
"What the....ugh!"
Type went about to then leave, tharn looked over the empty space to sign.
Type went to his room to to have his back to his door to look forward to take in very deep breathes.
Am I....ugh! Why does he have to ask me that!?
Type went forward to then go to his bed to lay to it on his stomach to have his head turned to the side with a face.
I am sexually frustrated..... But why did tharn.....
Type groaned to turn to his back to place his hands to his stomach to eye up to think about the last time he and tharn we're together.
Type rolled his eyes to place a hand to his forehead to rub.
Fuck! I'm hard!
Type then got up on his forarms to look down to his evident hard on to shake his head.
This is just.......ugh!
Type flopped back down to eye over the ceiling to then sign has he placed his hand inside his scrub pants to then pull out his member to start to stroke to close his eyes to place his free hand to his mouth to stifle his moans, he then started to move a bit uncomfortable has nothing seemed to progress, he made a face to start to think about when tharn was deep inside him.
Type groaned to take his hand off his dick.
Fuck! I'm sick! But..... Having that..... Close to my prostate....... Without me having to touch my....
Type then raised an eye brow has a thought went through his head he then got up to get off his bed to take off his scrub bottoms to go to his bathroom to go thru his bottom sink to move things about to grab out his lube he had just in case to move up to eye over it.
Type took in a deep breathe to then shake his head at what he was thinking of doing.
He then took the top off to move his boxers down a bit to place lube to his finger to bend over a bit to have a hand to the counter to place his other hand about to then turn his head to widen his eyes has he looked at himself in the mirror, he made a face to then wash his hand to pull up his boxers to then leave the bathroom to go to stand to his room to have his head hung.
What the hell is the matter with me!?
Type made a long face to slowly move his head up to look to his door.
To the couch, tharn sat to have his arms wrapped about himself to eye over his project.
What do I have to do to make you pop?
Tharn then turned his head to eye type who was coming about with his head hung to go around to then sit next to tharn. He eyed over him.
Type took in a very deep breathe to make a face.
"Are...... Um.....I haven't seen you with.... Any guys lately....... Have you've?"
Tharn shook his head to turn it to eye over his other once more.
"No. Why are you asking?"
Type flexed his jaw to keep his head hung.
"Um..... Are you..... Fr..... Frustrated?"
"I am. Can't figure out what to do to make my art work pop."
Type signed a bit.
"I'm.... Not talking about..... Your art work....."
Tharn widened his eyes to turn his head slowly to eye over type.
" Could you...... Help me with um......"
Tharn took in a very deep breathe to eye over type to place his hand to his to then get up to start to pull him behind, type looked to the action to second guess this.

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