being apart

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Laying to a couch, type had a file report to his legs to be writing to turn his head to look over his friend from the hospital who came about with two mugs of coffee to eye him over to give him his to then turn to go to a chair to sit.
"How is that patients report coming along?"
Type sipped at his coffee to then place it to the table to eye about it.
"It's coming along. You know..... Were friends, should just let me stay here."
She giggled to then place the mug to the coffee table to move back.
"Your making my husband a bit..... Mad."
Type looked to his friend.
"Before I met my husband we did....."
She clicked her tongue.
Type nodded to then go back to the report.
"I am curious. You have an apartment with...... Tharn right? So why are you here?"
"Um..... We are having a few..... Disagreements. Just need some air."
"Okay. Well your welcome has long has you keep doing my patient reports."
Type turned his head to watch her get up to watch her leave to roll his eyes to then look back to the file.
Type then laid his legs down to place the file to them to wrap his arms about himself to then eye up.
After what he said to tharn almost a week ago,    tharn then started to act very rude, has to why that day type left to then be where he was. Type did not believe tharn had the right to be mad.
He then turned his head to the coffee table to eye has his phone went off, type made a face to then retrieve it to look it over has tharn had  texted type for the millionth time asking where he was and when he was going to come home.
Type groaned to then place the phone back to the table to ignore him like he had done for a week.
Type then moved the file from his legs to the table to then move down to eye over the ceiling.
Type didn't know what to do anymore about tharn or this situation.
Taking in a deep breathe type then got up to go about to head to the kitchen to start in on something to eat with a face. He didn't want his being there to cause any friction to his friend and her husband.
Type signed to finish his meal to then take the plate to go back to the couch to sit to the edge to eat to then eye over his phone to start to think about tharn and how he could be feeling.
Type shook his head to continue to eat.
You have done nothing wrong. Tharn never ever follows the rules, doesn't listen to you.....
Finishing his food, type placed the plate to the table to then lay to his side to continue to eye over the phone.
Type signed.
Him and tharn hadent ever been to a fight like this ever before, they also were childhood friends.
Type took in a deep breathe to then shuffle to his body to look up once more.
To the apartment, tharn was over his new work to dart his eyes with a sullen face to then start to paint hard with his brush to then step back to sit to the couch to breathe heavily to eye over his darkened work.
Tharn took in a deep breathe to eye over it to then take out his phone to see nothing from type.
He then tossed the phone to the ground to move back to the couch to wrap his arms about himself to be in full pout mood.
Why aren't you answering me type! What's going on with you!?
Tharn flexed his jaw to then start to walk about the apartment to think about what he can say or do to get type to come back.
Moving his head up and down a pillow, type opened his eyes has he heard his phone start to go off, he then moved his hand to his phone to close his eyes has he placed it to his ear.
"Mm.... Who is...."
"Type...." Tharn sniffled.
Types eyes popped open to then move up. Tharn never sniffled.
"Tharn? What's going on? Are you hurt?"
"Type.... Please come home."
"Tharn.... What's going on?"
Hearing nothing, type moved the phone from his ear to eye over it, he couldn't help but to get up worried and concerned to go straight to tharn.
Going home, type rushed in to slam the door behind him to then rush to take off his shoes to look about, he went straight to tharns room not to find him to go about the apartment to still not find tharn, type stopped to a room to dart his eyes about to then go to his room has the last resort.
He went in to place his hands to his waist to look over his bedroom.
Where are you......
Before type could finish, he was turned and fast, to have his hands to tharn has he had his hands to types neck to have crushed his mouth to his, type tried to push him back to no avail for tharn to then slip him his tongue for them to battle there tongues against the others to then use his body to push type to the bed where they flopped down.
Kissing type and hard, tharn started to grind, to then move up to place his hands to his shirt to start to take it over his head, type got up on his elbows to look over him.
"What the hell tharn! I said no kissing! What were you sniffling about!"
Tharn took his shirt off to then throw it to the side, to raise an eye brow, types eyes widened has it clicked.
"You are a asshole! I am so sick and tired of your tricks and teasing me!"
Tharn moved down to push type has well to then place types hands to his back to look him over to place one of his hands to types package that was hard.
"Seems...... You like my teasing."
Types eyes narrowed to then move his hands about tharns muscular back, he couldn't help himself.
Tharn peered his eyes back a bit to then look over type to smile.
"Please type...... Don't resist this.... Don't be mad.... I've missed you."
Type Darted his eyes over tharn to make a hard face has he placed his mouth back to types to then go back to grinding for type to allow this, given it was only tharn.

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