trying but failing

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The next week, type worked a bit more to stay away from his place given tharn kept having a different guy to the couch when he got home and type wanted to give more time with doctor thera who gave him the cold shoulder.
Waking up in his day off, type was in the shower to have his head under the water to have a hand to the wall to have his other to his dick to stroke has he thought of doctor thera to then lift his head back to moan and loud.
He then jumped back startled to then take his hand away to step back to turn his head to look to the shower door.
"Type? Are you okay? I heard a noise."
Types eyes narrowed.
"How when I'm in the..... Why were you in my room?"
"Needed to borrow some tooth paste."
"Tharn..... I've told you time and time again go buy your own."
"Too lazy. So what was that noise?"
"Um..... Saw a.... Spider a.... Big one... Can you leave now?"
Tharn wrapped his arms about himself.
"You're not scared of spiders. So...."
Type placed his hands to the back of his neck to eye down.
"Tharn..... Please leave."
Tharn rolled his eyes to then turn to leave.
"Sure I know what that noise was, you need to get laid "
Type moved his hands away to make an angry look.
Type then moved back to place his body to there wall to look over the shower running.
He only wanted dr. Thera, type didn't want to keep going after nurses, he didn't know it was because he was getting older or not but type was wanting to be in a serious relationship again. His last was when he was 22, didn't last long because of tharn, they didn't want to keep coming over to his place to see two men being together.
Type took in a deep breathe to then step forward to then shut off the water to then turn about to get out to go straight to the towel to wrap it about himself to turn a corner to then jump a bit to sign.
Tharn was to types sink to be moving things about to then grab what he needed to then turn to eye over type to then tilt his head to look at his towel.
Types rolled his eyes to go to tharn to place his hands to him to turn to then start to push him out.
"Tharn.... Rule 20, do not come into my room unless I say yes. Now go!"
Type pushed him harder to hear him laugh to then watch has tharn turned to eye over type.
"So....I am to be a little curious, when was the last time you got laid?"
Type looked over tharn to sign.
"Tharn.... out!"
Tharn laughed louder to then turn to start to leave.
"That long huh?"
Type groaned to then go to his door to slam it to place his forehead to it.
Not like I'm trying not to...... Damnit! Why is Dr. Thera like this, not like I've been with anyone else so why.....
Type took in a deep breathe to then turn to go to his bed to lay to his stomach to have his forehead to the bed to move it back and forth.
What am I going to do? Dr. Thera won't give me the time of day, keeps ignoring me, now tharn and I are planning this new years eve thing way ahead of schedule because I brought it up to the doctor, I keep trying to have lunch with her or dinner to where she ignores me and.....ugh....
Type then went to his back to place his hand to his forehead to rub, he was irritating himself.
Type opened his eyes to look over the ceiling to then get up to go about to place his towel to his hamper to then get dressed to go to his bathroom to clean up tharns slight mess to go about to head to the kitchen has he was hungry. Going in he stopped to the door frame to look over tharn.
"What are you doing?"
"Making breakfast, go sit down."
Type made a face to then go sit down.
"So the lazy man baby can't go and get his own tooth paste, but he can make breakfast?"
Tharn lightly laughed to then plate, to place the pan to the oven to turn about with those plates to set them down to sit down.
"You really do need to get laid, your so crabby."
Type looked up at tharn to then grab his plate to get up to finish it in the living room, tharn moved his head up to watch him leave to sign to then get up to stand behind.
"Thought in your rules we can't eat in the living room because of the mess."
"You break the rules left to right tharn. Just... Leave me alone "
Tharn turned to then go get his plate to go about to set it to the coffee table to then sit down to start to eat, type who sat to the couch looked him over to shake his head.
"I like eating with you. Don't know why you have to act like you do. It's not healthy."
"I don't like how you keep crossing the line. You don't need to know how long it's....... Pisses me off tharn. I don't ask you those types of questions."
Tharn turned his head to look to type who was eyeing down.
"I have a guy every single day if I want to type. So doesn't make sense for you to ask me that."
Type signed.
"Right there, that's crossing the line, I don't want to hear this from my friend."
"Friends talk about things like that, especially guys "
"Mm.... But you talk about guys, not gay here tharn."
"Can't say that without....."
Tharn looked over type who snapped his head to eye over him.
Tharn laughed to look down .
"So defensive, all you straight guys are. Just kidding type."
"Well I don't like it."
Type then ate his food to get up with his plate to place it to the kitchen to then clean it to go straight to his room.
"Where are you going?"
"To be alone "
Tharn watched has type closed his door to then look back at his food.

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