just wont stop

282 35 22

Driving home the next morning, type had a very hard expression to his face, he then stopped before his place to sign to then turn his head to look over tharn who was to the passenger side to have his arms wrapped about himself to have fallen asleep.
Type looked him up and down to shake his head a bit to then look forward.
Tharns head then went forward for him to place a hand to it to then turn his head to look to type.
"What the hell!"
"Wake up.'
Tharn watched type get out to then get out also to then walk behind..
"That was a rude awakening."
"So was you waking me up on the couch to make us leave at the crack of dawn!"
"Well, I want to be home not at your friends place."
Type rolled his eyes to then go to the door to place his key in the hole to then turn it about to then go inside, tharn followed for them to then both take off there shoes for type to then go straight to his bedroom to then flop to his stomach on the bed, he turned his head has he felt a weight.
Tharn went to type to lay on him to wrap his arms about him.
"Ugh....get off."
"No. I want to sleep in here."
"Tharn.... I'm really tired, can you please get off."
"Then let's go more on the bed to then sleep."
"I want to sleep alone."
Tharn then moved his head up to eye over type.
"You are a bit mean here type."
Type turned his head to look up.
"Excuse me?"
"You leave me, gave an incredible performance last night, and now you want nothing to do with me. That hurts."
Type signed to place his cheek to the bed.
"I.... Just want to sleep."
"Okay. We can together."
Type furrowed his brow.
"I don't want to sleep together."
"Stop being mean type."
Type rolled his eyes has tharn helped him up, for them to then lay to there sides, types eyes darted over the wall.
"Do we.... Really need to sleep like this?"
"Guess your right."
Type turned to look over tharn who had moved up to place hands to the bottom of his shirt to then take it over his head to throw to the side, he then placed his hands to his shorts and boxers to take down, type sat up to continue to eye over him.
"What are you doing?"
"It's hot.'
"It is not."
Tharn rolled his eyes to throw those clothes to the other side, type saw that to then try to go about tharn for him to grab him to start to lower his pants and boxers.
"Come on type, we can't sleep like this."
"Tharn, you need to knock it off. Don't want to sleep with you naked."
"Too late for that."
Type then struggled has tharn got him un dressed, to then place him back to his side to wrap his arms about and hard, type was squirming about.
"Type, your tired, I'm tired, let's sleep."
"I don't want to sleep this way."
Tharn then moved his mouth over his ear.
"Why? Not like we haven't before. Or.... Do you think once you fall asleep im going...."
Tharn then moved One hand to types groin area to then move it back a bit to rub his junk over his ass.
Type groaned a bit.
"Tharn.... Stop!"
"Just teasing. Come on. Want to sleep too."
Tharn moved his lower a bit back to then place his head to the pillow to keep his arms wrapped about type, type looked him over to then place his head to the pillow.
"Tharn..... Can you please let me go."
Tharn furrowed his brow to sign.
"Type..... Can we sleep this way."
Types eye lids drifted a bit to peer his eyes down.
"I'm not..... Your parents tharn, you can let go, I'll still be here."
Tharn slowly opened his eyes.
Type signed.
"Tharn.....I know you don't want to talk about them, or what they have done to you when we were in high school but..... This type of behavior is not...."
Moved and quick, type was to his back to breathe heavily has he looked over tharn who hovered over to have his hands to either side of his head to be looking down at type.
"I said don't type also you are one to talk."
Type looked over tharn confused.
"Excuse me?"
"Why are you so overally anal with your cleaning? Your parents are not like that, so what made you that way? I've known you for so long and...."
Type placed his hands to tharn to then push him to the side to get up to eye over him has he was to his side to look up at type.
"Why do you deflect and turn everything on me?"
Tharn darted his eyes not to say anything.
Type rolled his eyes to then start to get up.
"You can take my bed, I'm going to sleep on the.... Damnit tharn!"
Type was moved to his stomach, to feel tharns weight to his back.
"Type..... It's 530 in the morning. We really do need to sleep "
"Then get off."
Tharn then curled his bottom lip inward to bite into it, to then move his groin back to start to move it about types ass, type turned his head to peer his eyes up.
"Well.... if you don't want to sleep...."
"It's not I don't want to, your on me."
"Sure you like it, can I..... See?"
Type then looked to the wall, he didn't want tharn to touch his erection.
"Why.... Are you like this tharn?"
Tharn slowly moved his head down to go to types ear to nibble.
Because I love you, been in love with you since high school, why do you have to be straight and lusting after that bitch!
Tharn signed to not utter one thing he was thinking.
"Because, I know you like it."
Moved and quick, tharn went back to place his hands to types waist to bring it up to then pound himself in, to place his body to types to then place a hand to his erection to then stroke.
"Mm..... Damnit.....aaah tharn!"

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