to end what you are

392 37 19

Darting his eyes about, type helped a patient and quick to her bed to look her over with a smile, to then be pushed back a bit rudely by doctor thera.
Type stepped back to roll his eyes to then go to the counter to write down what he did for the patient to then leave to place his hand to his pocket to shake his head.
Just two more weeks...... Two more weeks of working here then I'm out!
Type then stopped to move his head back to dart his eyes over doctor thera who came about and quick to look him over.
"So....I heard."
Type signed to step back.
Doctor thera wrapped her arms about herself.
" Your leaving?"
Type shrugged.
"What is it to you?"
Doctor thera signed.
"I never should have given you a chance."
"I never should have proceeded to try to date you. Your a bitch."
Doctor thera parted her lips to eye over type who then smiled to try to go around to sign again to then eye her hand to his arm to stop.
"You really are an asshole. You Go after all the nurses then go after me to just have it...."
Type then placed his hand to the doctors to toss it to the side to turn to fully eye over her.
"I thought you were a nice person. But you're not, what you are is an attention seeking whore, I know you didn't just leave with one man at my last Christmas party but several."
Doctor thera widened her eyes to breathe heavily has she stood there to eye over the empty space to then turn her head has type continued to talk with a smile.
"Oh another thing. I have a jealous boyfriend, touch me again, he will ruin your career don't tempt me."
Doctor thera parted her lips to watch type turn to then turn to keep eyeing.
Type turned to go to an elevator to turn his head to look to the doctor.
"Gay? Yes I am."
Type couldn't help but to laugh to then get into the elevator after he eyed over the confused doctor.
He went to the back of the elevator to be happy his shift was over so he could go home.
To his car, type placed his bag to the passenger seat to then go forth to make a face, he hadent told tharn any of this yet. That type sees tharn has his boyfriend and that type knows he's gay, it helped when in two weeks he called various people who told him what tharn did which was just had conversations with them to see if they were serious about type and none were, there really wasn't anything bad type could come up with, thus he made this decision on his own.
Parked type grabbed his bag to then place it over to go straight to his place to then open the door to turn to place his bag up to then take off his shoes to go about to sign. The place was dirty.
Type then looked up to see dinner to the table once again to then go to see tharn sleeping on the couch to crouch down to place his hand to his forward to use his fingers to wipe away his hair to look over him with a smile, type then closed his eyes to place his mouth to tharns, feeling warmth to his mouth, tharn slowly opened his eyes to look over type to smile to then turn to his side to wrap his arms about for this kiss to get more involved to then pick type up to place to himself for type to move his head back to look over him.
"How many times do I have to tell you to keep the place clean and to stop cooking dinner. My schedule is off until I go to another hospital."
"You know I don't like to clean also want to take care of my man."
Type couldn't help but to smirk to move his tag back down for them to kiss.
"Your still cleaning, or no my bedroom tonight." Type said between kisses.
"Don't be mean....." Tharn said back.
Type signed in there mouths to then move back to eye over tharn.
"Maybe you should think about working at another gallery has your art director and that other painter keep being annoying about the office."
"Already thinking about that. The two scrabble on the floor to then go straight to the office too.... I don't want to think about it." Tharn shivered.
"I don't either, now come on. You clean I'll be waiting in bed. Maybe I'll have a treat for you."
Type kissed tharn once more to get up for tharn to lift his head back to eye over him.
Type couldn't help but to laugh for tharn to sign to get tiredly up to then go about to clean.
After he went into types room to stop at the door way to widen his eyes.
Type was to his back with nothing on to have his head turned to be giving tharn quite the seductive display.
Tharn placed his hands to the bottom of his shirt to then take it over his head and quick to throw wherever to do the same to his pants to trip, type got up to then laugh, for tharn to get up to pounce.
Both climaxing a bit later, the two were on there sides holding the other close.
"Why.... Were you so eager tonight?"
"Well we haven't in two weeks and..... That treat you gave me, you are so very sexy."
Type couldn't help but to smile to take in a deep breathe.
"Before we go to sleep, I need to tell you something about what happened with doctor thera."
Tharn slowly opened his eyes to dart then about.
Type turned his head to look at tharn.
"I told her she was a bitch, an attention seeking whore, also that if she touched me again, my..... Boyfriend will ruin her career."
Tharn moved his head up to eye over type.
Type nodded.
"Is.... That what we are.... Tharn?"
Tharn couldn't help but to smile and wide to move down to hold type tighter.
Type couldn't help but to laugh to take in a very deep breathe.
"I..... Still want a family..... Children."
Tharn moved back to eye over type.
"Let's make some right now, also, I'll buy you the most beautiful ring and we can talk to a surrogate."
Type wrapped his arms about tharn has they went into another round.
Has the years past, type and tharn stayed to that apartment to change tharns room into a nursery and the two became husbands by the end of the month after they declared themselves boyfriends. Neither wanted to wait long to finally start there family, neither did Xiao and mortini once Xiao stopped running away from him.

The end

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