putting a lot into this

274 34 18

Placing back and forth in the living room, tharn had his phone to his ear to be making a hard face.
Where are you type? It's been a week and I can't get ahold of you. This is beyond ridiculous, I haven't done anything wrong.
Tharn placed his phone before his face to shake his head has he got types voice mail once more.
Sitting to a desk, type had his eyes peered to his phone that went off to then look back to the computer. Type for the week stayed with his friend to be researching places where he could move into.
Type then peered his eyes back to his phone that started to go off again.
Jeez tharn!
He then went to the phone to shut it off to go back into what he was doing.
Tharn moved his phone from his ear to look it over.
Did you..... Just shut off your phone?
Tharn then tossed his phone to the floor to turn to place his hands behind his head to sign and hard.
Looking through the listings, type made a hard face.
Type then grabbed the phone has he made offers to a few to then get up to place his phone to his back pocket to go back to work, Dr. Thera then came out to turn her head to look over types back to then go to him to walk to the side.
"How have you've been?"
Type took in a deep breathe.
"I've been doing quite fine. How have you've been?"
Dr. Thera placed her hand to his arm for type to stop to look to her.
"It's been a week and you haven't brought up a date."
"Oh..... Sorry about that.....I have been consumed by trying to find another place to live."
"It's been something on my mind for quite some time. Can't really have a family living with my roommate can I?"
The doctor nodded.
"That is true. Mm....I have been wondering..... Why haven't you moved out sooner?"
"We're best friends since high school."
"Still..... You two should have moved into different places by now."
Type looked the doctor over to then shrug.
"It happens."
Dr. Thera looked over type.
"Okay. Well..... When are we going to have that date then?"
"I will let you know and soon."
The doctor rolled her eyes to then go forth, type watched her go to raise an eye brow.
Type then turned to have his hand to his neck to rub to go complete the last of his job has he had moving on his mind.
Starting to go to his friends after work, type stopped by a store to get something too be able to make something for his friend who was almost feeding him every night. To be out of his car to go to the house to then knock, with the door opened type widended his eyes to then make a very hard and angry face.
"Tharn.... What are you doing here?"
Tharn raised an eye brow.
To the kitchen, type was to the stove to be fixing dinner to have his friend and tharn to the table to be talking and laughing, type rolled his eyes to then plate to take them all to the table to then sit to let his eyes peered down.
The two kept talking and laughing for type to be a bit peeved about this, type then looked up has he's friend got up to then take the empty plate to the sink to then go about.
"You are one funny guy tharn. Well I'm hitting the sack type, thank you for dinner."
Type watched him go to then make a face to slowly look to tharn who had moved back to have his arms wrapped about himself to be eyeing over him.
"So..... Is this where you've been for the week?"
Type signed to look down.
"Why are you here tharn?"
"Well, been trying to call for a week and you haven't answered, not once."
"What are you.... My mother?"
"Seems I have to be. She didn't even know where you went."
Type looked to tharn to scoff.
"You called my mom? What is wrong with you?"
"I didn't know where you went type. Got me..... Scared okay."
Type signed to then look down.
"You could have called the hospital."
"Didn't want to keep calling and get you into trouble."
Type started to move his fork about his food.
"Too late for that, surprised my mother hasn't called me."
"I told her not too and you would turn up eventually. "
"Still had no right to call her. I am a grown man tharn, so are you."
Tharn slowly looked up to then reach his arm about to then place his hand to types private area, types eyes widened to look down.
"What the....."
"Are you really grown?"
Type snapped his gaze to tharn who wore a smile to then start to laugh to withdraw his hand, type rolled his eyes.
"I'm sick of your teasing."
"I'm just trying to lighten the mood. Type..... When are you coming home?"
Type looked over tharn with a face to then look back to his food.
Should I tell him I'm trying to move and I've given out a few offers? If I do it'll just piss him off, can't bring that to my friend's house.
"After what you did tharn, I just need some time."
Tharn moved a bit closer.
"What did I really do that was so wrong that you won't come home?"
Type flexed his jaw.
"You didn't..... Follow the rules like always."
"Neither did you. You came home to jump me without even asking, did I leave?"
Type signed to dart his eyes about.
Tharn looked him over.
"Type.... Please come home."
"Tharn..... I really just need my space okay."
"This isn't fair type. Your acting like I've done something really wrong here. Please come home."
"Why don't you ever listen tharn. Also why can't I just be to my friends for awhile. Your acting so very....stalker ish and obsessive. Go hang out with your friends or find someone new to hang out with."
Tharn signed to then move up to step to type for him to look up at him.
"And why are you pushing me so hard away? Aren't we still best friends? Or....."
Types Lips slowly parted to watch tharn move to his knees to look him over.
"Do you hate me now?"
Type rolled his eyes.
"Why does it always have to be that way with.... With..... Tharn what are you doing!" Type hissed quietly at the end.
Tharn had moved his hands up to go to types shorts to start to pull down.
"Something I bet we are both wanting. Can I?"
Type turned his head to look back.
"We can't.... Not he......nn!"
Type snapped his head back to eye over tharn who placed his mouth to his cock to down to eye up.
Type placed his hands to his shoulders to grip to place his mouth into a hard line to lift his head back to stifle his moans.
Damnit tharn!
Moving his head up and down, types friend opened his eyes to dart them about to then turn his head forward to then get up on his forarms to look about.
What is..... Is that moaning?
His friend then widened his eyes.
Type wouldn't bring a girl here would he?
Placing his hand to his blanket he gripped it to then move it about and quick to then get up slowly and silently to investigate.
To the couch, type had his legs wrapped about tharn to have his arms wrapped about his neck, to be going up and down with the friction to moan here and there, has quietly has he could, tharn was to his neck to be leaving kisses has he pounded his way in and out.
Type turned his head to look to the side a bit to make a face. He knew this shouldn't be happening at his friends, however he didn't quite know how to get tharn to stop.
He then lifted his head has he was getting closer.
"Damnit....th.... Tharn...... I'm going to...."
"Mm.... Same here.... Your so tight...."
Type rolled his eyes to then push tharn and hard away to throw a blanket to him to place a blanket over him to then move down to lay has tharn went to the ground to lay to his back to pretend to be asleep.
Types friend came out not knowing type heard him to go about to eye to sign, he saw type to his side to be asleep to then look to the living room floor to see tharn to then peer his eyes to the side to see empty liquor bottles.
He then shook his head to turn to go back to bed feeling like he lost his mind.
Tharn opened his eyes to then move up on his forarms to look over the door has it closed to then go back down to lightly laugh.
"Seems your props for the deed did what they needed too."
Tharn then widened his eyes type had moved and quick to him to have his blanket wrapped about him to have moved tharns from his lower to have placed him back in to then place his hands to his mouth to start to ride to lift his head back.
"Knew they....mmm... Would..... Know we are so close..... Cum for me..... Let me cum."
Tharn looked over type to place his hands to his waist to move him up and down to really pound his way in, tharn really loved it when type acted this way.

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