learning a lot

326 38 22

The two gripped at there intertwined hands and hard, has they laid to either side of types head, has tharn hovered over to be grinding and hard on him for the two to be kissing and hard, swirling there tongues about the other.
Type then took his hands from tharns to then place them to his chest to push him back a bit to then place his hands to the bottom of his shirt to start to move it up, tharn then took his shirt off to then do the same with types to then throw to the side to go back down to kiss him and hard.
The two with there arms about the other to keep grinding, they then took there hands to the others pants to start to undo.
Tharn then took his mouth off of types to then go to his neck to kiss.
"Nn.... Type...."
Type turned his head slightly to the side to curl his bottom lip inward.
Tharn then left types neck to then go down his body to kiss and nuzzle to kiss at his stomach to keep going down to take off his pants and boxers to go to his stomach to kiss about his inner thighs to then peer his eyes up to look over type who was looking down to him to breathe heavily.
Tharn breathed harder to move himself up a bit to Hover over type to feel his hands to the sides of him to be taking down his pants and boxers to keep his legs open for him.
"Wanting me?"
Type parted his lips to look over tharn to gulp to then nod.
Tharn then placed his hands to types face to dart his eyes about.
"Say it then."
Type then moved his head up a bit, to take a hand to the back of his neck to grip to then place his other hand to tharns dick to slowly place himself in.
"I want you."
Type then crushed his mouth to tharns to place him inside to gasp moans in-between them.
After, the two laid to there sides, in a close embrace, for type to be looking at there hands in which held the other.
"How.... How long have you've had feelings for me?"
Tharn took in a deep breathe to move closer.
"Since..... High school....."
"When we first met?"
"Mm.... No....."
Type Darted his eyes over the wall.
"When I helped you with your parents?"
Tharn signed.
"I didn't develop feelings for you because you helped me with my asshole parents type."
Tharn then moved about to place a hand to types chin to then move his head to the side for the two to eye the other.
"I developed them when I saw you always helping everyone else. You have a very big heart type. That is why I love you."
Types Lips parted to look over tharn to then take his head from his grasp to eye over the wall again, tharn kept up to eye over him.
"You've.... Lied to me.... For years tharn."
"I'm sorry."
"You just keep lying to me."
"It's because I knew you are straight."
Type signed to then move to his back to then look at there hands, tharn eyed over type a bit confused.
Tharns eyes widened.
Type made a hard face to then look to tharn to dart his eyes.
"Are there any other lies you've told me? I want to know them all tharn and now."
"I...... Am the one who fucked up some of your relationships that you had. But they were bitches."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Which ones?"
"Almost all. I didn't do anything really bad...... Just asked if they saw a future with you and.... Many were just wanting sex."
Type made a face to then look to there hands.
"You know I'm going to call."
"You still have all there numbers?"
"Some. Unfortunately I just can't trust you right now tharn."
"I deserve that but type.... What did you mean you were?"
Type gulped and hard to then let there hands go to then get up to bend over to grab there things to then start to walk about, tharn kept his eyes to him.
"I'm going to take a shower. Feel sticky."
Tharn signed to then lay back down to roll his eyes, he then turned his head to look to the side.
Type was to the door way with his hands to either side to hang his head to look down.
"Are..... You coming?"
Tharn raised an eye brow to then slowly get up to then go to type has they both went to the shower, under the water, the two kissed softly to have there arms wrapped about the other, to be slightly grinding there dick's to the other, type then placed his hands to his neck to grip tharn a bit to then take him back where they hit the wall to keep kissing.
Type then took his mouth back to go to tharns ear.
"Be inside me again."
Tharn lightly laughed to then make type jump to have his wrap his legs about for them to be grinding with the other to the wall to place there mouths back to the other.
After another round to the shower, both slightly dried were to types bed for tharn to be laying down with type on top to be moving his hands up and down to look over the ceiling..
"Too... Tired...."
"I really want to know..... What did you mean were?"
"In due time tharn...... Now we need to sleep."
"Why are you being so cryptic? Not like you."
"There are going to be things that need to happen first okay, now I am so very tired. Had to text my boss that I'm not coming in today so..... Let's sleep."
Tharn signed to then close his eyes.
"Really want to know type. "
"Well..... You will know soon enough. Now sleep."
Tharn turned his head to wrap his arms about type to sign and hard once more, he didn't like to wait.

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